I am fired up over a post on the board from a newbie about her father.Maybe I have reached a point where my saturation level for the sucky attitudes of family members of stroke survivors has maxed out. I'm tired of hearing the whining how stroke has inconvienced their lives. Now before I get blasted from the other side, I know stroke affects everyone. But as a survivor that lived with that attitude from my X and his parents, I take a huge offense to it and it *beep* me off!
Yes, the stroke affects everyone in a hundred different ways and is a sure fire pain, but bottom line is the simple fact that the survivor never asked for a stroke, the survivor can't shrug their shoulders and walk away from the after affects of their stroke for a short restorative break.
In stroke recovery there is alot of hard work and time needed to recover. Yeah, finding the solution all can live with isn't easy. I know that. But when I hear the "other side" the ones that are not the survivor complaining how it isn't easy or the survivor isn't happy or trying, well HELLO! I want to say in full anger..."Well to bad! So sorry, your life isn't perfect and neatly packaged smooth running machine you are used to. Stroke survivors are human beings! We didn't suddenly turn into lumps of clay that lost all intelligence or thoughts or feelings. we understand the depths of how the family is feeling over what to do now? We have this huge boulder hanging around our necks, dragging us down, lets find the easiest way out to deal with this. One that appears that we are doing all we sincerely can, but in reality, it is just a quick fix that lets us off the hook so we can go back to our lives as soon as we can. In fairness not every family member feels that way, I know this. It is the small percentage that do, that I have a problem with, and I say "Why bother??"
Like I said I may have reached my saturation point. I may no longer be able to stay here and give support to such unworthy specimans of the human race. Because I too have a life to live, a life to get back too. Why bother wasting my time on idiots? Why should I willingly take on these boulders myself?I see it if I can help someone, it is only right the next person step up to the plate and give back what they have taken.
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