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To be producticve



Well, yes today has been a marathon and it isn't 1 P.M. yet. I have to admit that though productive marathon errand filled days are few and far between these days. I still acknowledge when I have one.

I got up at 6 a.m.

Had a few cups of coffee, let the dog out, seperated the laundry, stripped the bed. Sat down and wrotew out bills, left at 10a.m. put my laundry in the machines, booked out of there, went to the phone company, paid my bill, made a copy of a letter, left there went to the post office, mailed my bills, went to the bank, took money out, went back to laundrymat, put my stuff in dryers. Folded everything, stopped by the X's, took care of some business, wanted to vomit, realized again, how better life is post him. Came home, had company for lunch, plus a surprise visitotr, Kim I worked with came over, she moved to Atlanta, Ga. is home for the holidays, it was great to see her and catch up.

1:01 P.M. writing my blog.

Whew! I like having productive days but I can't keep up. I'm tired and ready for a well deserved nap.

ZZZZZZZZZ cloud9.gif



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wepay our bills electonically for few years now, and there has never been any problem, they take out money from our checking acct at certain day send us statement, it has been working out great. after my stroke Ihave taken responsibilty of mails, but there is not much to do except filing, which with my 1 hand and great system set up by hubby I m able to do.

having productive days does feel great though




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It's good the bill paying days are the exception not the rule!!


We have these marathons too, but it is good to go home, put the feet up, sip the cup of coffee and say:"I achieved something today."


And yes, you are better off now.



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