Last day of the year
Hi everyone at Strokenet. is here the very last day of the year. (2005 that is)
So... here we go round the calendar bush once again.
I can't help but think of the thousands of people that will be introduced to stroke this year.(2006)
Some will survive, some will not.
Some will become caregivers for the first time. Some will have their lives changed in ways that they could not even imagine before comming face to face with the stroke experience.
Some of these will find their way to Strokenet and we will meet them for the first time.
Not the best way to meet new friends eh.
Strokenet can be a bit of a bittersweet experience sometimes.
So let's all do what we can to promote stroke prevention education in our local communities.
We may help someone to never become a Strokenet strokebuddy.
Kinda like the friend that we never knew.
Something to meditate on....comments welcome.
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