My Thoughts For Life In 2006
Give people more than they expect, and do so cheerfully.
Don't believe all I hear, and only part of what I see.
In disagreements, always smile, fight fair, no name calling.
Don't judge people by their relatives.
I will say, "Bless you" when I hear someone sneeze. I used to say that, but stopped.
When I realize I've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
Stop saying "yellow" when I answer the phone. It's a long time habit.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Read more, watch less TV, get more rest daily.
While dealing with my loved ones, don't bring up the past.
Mind my own business, leave others' business alone.
Always remember, I can't miss what I can't measure. I'm a survivor.
Trust in God, but always lock my car.
As I grow older, I want to grow wiser with WISDOM, after all, we don't get old by being fools. According to Dr. Phil's book, when we are young, we do many foolish things. I'd say that could very well be a true statement. Who knows?
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