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The New Year Has Started



I am always excited when the New Year comes. It brings with it the promise of the unexpected. Who knows what will happen? Trust me, my feeling is it can only go up.


Yep, 2005 will go down as easily the WORST year of my life. There is no comparison. I can't remember much of the first 6 months. Good!! The last 6 months were tough, but it ended on an upturn. This website and blog has helped with that.


Lisa is fairing well. She continues to get stronger and and stronger, and even had dinner ready last night when I got home from work. It was great. Table set, both kids home, very cozy. I miss those moments.


The only problem we seem to be having is dealing with her boredom. Lisa is bored out of her mind, but nothing seems to interest her. I have suggested a million things for her to do (please no suggestions).

Nothing is hitting her fancy. She still goes to lift weights three times a week, but it's the down time she needs to fill. Oh well, I'll come up with something.


Later, Butch


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as a young survivor I have been there, nothing interested me to fill up my time except surfing web and troubling my collegues on IM, finally I started coming to work part time 2 days a week luckily got a ride to work, and nobody is paying me but that's fine by me, I m learning our new project haven't contributed a cent in it, but feeling good about myself. If pay or money defines how succesful I was, then I was very successful, I was team lead in my project and now I m starting bottom up, but oh well being in my field gives me lot of my self esteem, I try to do all our housework. It is big adjustment going back to work again and starting from scratch bottom but hey its worth the self esteem. you should encourage lisa to start going to work part time no pay start smalland then build up, just my suggestion


Asha(36 year old survivor)


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Glad to have you and all the blog community back on line. It's good to see your New Year is starting out on a positive note with Lisa having dinner ready. Life does have a way of settling into our new normal patterns in the post-stroke world.


My husband's worse problem is boredom, too. He would be happy if we were on the go all the time---it's the only thing that keeps him engaged for any length of time---but of course, being that I have do everything to keep the house and us going, that isn't possible.


I went through the phase, too, where I hauled out every hobby and activity that I thought would interest Don in a desperate attempt to find him something that would keep him stimulated. So, Butch, if you don't come up with anything don't feel like a failure---easy guilt trip for a caregiver to take. Sometimes we tend to forget that lack of concentration is big factor in our survivor's boredom and that takes time to come back.



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This was by far the worst year we've ever had too. I SERIOUSLY have never been so glad to see a year be put behind us. All our trouble started in Feb 05, and I am hoping this year will be drastically better. There will be setbacks for me I know, thats life...but wouldn't it be nice to say "2006" was the BEST year by far...


Boredom is Patrick's biggest frustration now. When I or someone else suggest a hobbie for him, he is often agreeable (with his stroke, he nows seems to agree to things he doesn't really want 'to be nice') until you set it in front on him and then he crinkles up his nose at it when it's just me around. Our newest gift is a kareoke machine. Wanna sing a song with me??? Oh well, neither does Patrick.


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