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Somehow, I got conned into doing my daughter's taxes. I am still trying to figure out how this happened.


The neat thing is hers was very simple compared to mine and Liz's. I already had the software to do the Federal and State of Michigan. However, she did a fool thing like move to Pennsylvania. So I had to go to the State of Pennsylvania web site and download the PA State Form and do it the "old fashioned way".


If she had to choose a state to move to that has income taxes, Pennsylvania is a pretty good one. To summarize their state tax form consists of the following:


1. How much did youi make?


2. Take the result of 1 and multiply by 0.0307.


3. How much was withheld?


If 3 is larger than 2, you get a refund.


Taxes can not get much simpler. I know those of you who live where is no state income tax are laughing, but if you have to pay state taxes, this is pretty darn simple.


Charles Ramsey


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