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Well, now what happens???



Well I heard from Dr. FeelGood's office at the Cleveland Clinic today. They told me the results of the labs and tests they performed on me.


They did two tests, a second doppler on the carotids, and a transcranial doppler test. Both of those turned out normal. They did a lipid panel (cholesterol was normal, triglycerides were high) and the ultra sensitive c-reactive protein test was high. I am still suffering from a sinus infection so that maybe a false positive.


Prior to this, they did echocardiograms (normal and TEE), they did a stress test, they put me in a holter monitor and a 30 day event monitor. All of those were normal.


They did an MRI which showed something. They did a Cervical MRA that the neuro here considered inconclusive. They did multiple CT-Scans.


I initially did have a problem with high blood pressure which has been corrected. The last two TIAs have been at normal BP readings.


So it is official (or maybe unofficial). There are no smoking guns as to why I have strokes or TIAs.


I think (please let me know if there is sometihing else I haven't considered) that the only reason left for me to have a stroke or TIA is stress.


I am going to see my neuro here in Ann Arbor on Friday to discuss where we go next.


Oh yeah, I did ask why they did not send a report to my neurologist. Dr. FeelGood's nurse said, "We do not issue multiple letters. We issued the report to your primary care physician and he will send it to who needs it."


I thought to myself, "How the f*^% is he going to know that unless he was psychic."


Go figure.


Charles Ramsey


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