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The feeling has passed



Well, I know longer feel restless. I finally got some cleaning done around the house, and that for the moment seems to have filled the void.


Now I realize few people enjoy housework (but there are a few sick and twisted one who do), and let me tell you, I don't either. The day-to-day cleaning was always Patrick's territory before the stroke. Deep cleaning, organization, and "downsizing" have always been mine. I finally inherited my Grandma Darrah's "if you aren't using it, get rid of it" gene a fews years back.


I refuse to be like my mother who throws very little away "just in case", because she has a large enough house to store it (it IS clean, though). I am pretty sure she has every whipped topping, butter tub, and mayonaise jar she ever purchased. And she is attached to them too. She will dig out the entire cupboard just to find the ones she doesn't mind giving away at Thanksgiving. Her explanation is that "but they don't sell them in those containers anymore!" Oh well, you keep your Blue Bunny ice cream tub.


When they moved, it took 3, YES I SAID THREE, semi-trailers to move it all. Thank goodness they finally got rid of some over the last few years. I think they are finally down to one storage unit. Its very scary, her having so much stuff. When the worst happens, its going to be very difficult to determine what are family heirlooms vs. auction finds. She currently has 3 dining room tables and about 10 sets of china. This of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. On the up side, when decorating trends change, all she has to do is go to the basement and change everything out.


Back to me and my house... I refuse to be bogged down with so much stuff. Good thing, cuz I can't afford to want a bunch of stuff anyway, lol.


My sister has the "sentimental" gene, meaning she saves every flower, card, children's school paper's etc. she ever recieved. EVER. I don't need that gene either. I have kept the really special things (which I know for her they are ALL special) and I have a tote for each of us in the basement filled with the things we have saved over the years.


Getting back to housework- I don't like it, don't get "into it" and wish it would magically get done. The only real satisfaction I get from it is knowing I don't have to do it for a little while. Patrick always liked knowing that he kept our house clean, and that when we came home from work, we could sit down and enjoy it.


Since his stroke, he still does most of the laundry and loads and unloads the dishwasher. I am thankful for that, because I dont't think I could keep up with it all on my own (I KNOW I couldn't). 14 year old boys apparently don't understand why wearing rollerblades in the house is an issue, how to wipe off a counter or that the trash can is not located under the sofa cushions.


My other personal problem with cleaning is, as I mentioned above, I am an organizer. So when I start a simple project of lets say-dusting- I put things away as I go, and before you know it I wind up dragging out all the stuff from the entertainment center. That snowballs into the hall closet, etc. etc. I have a hard time staying focused on the task at hand. All I wanted to do was dust, and now I have a huge mess to put away!


I better go. I need to put away the laundry (and clean out the closet...drawers...organize the shoe rack...)





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Kristen, I just hate it when someone reminds me that the answer to my problems is more hard work.


Okay, I admit it, you are my inspiration, no more Strokenet, more housework...lol



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wow I should also go& fold my laundry instead og writing blog, but i m hooked to strokenet, my probem is I can not organize once someone creates space for me, I might clean it, that's my ezxcuse to not cleaning. LoL



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Come on over when you're done cleaning your house. I could use some help. I am a master at messing ours up.



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