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2 days to shoulder surgeryand manipulation



As of today it's almost been 8 months since I had functional left arm.stroke affected my left side and after rehab hospital stay ,had issues with bad pain in the shoulder went to orthaped dr. and was told it was frozen shoulder so we tried rehabbing it for that for 3 months and the pain got no better.Therapist finallt sent me to anpther dr.that got an MRI done and it showed big time rotator cuff damage,I suspect initial injury was caused by TV remote cord wrapped around my arm whe I was in the hospital and then I rolled over not knowing it was hung up and felt something go wrong with the arm,doc at hospital pretty much blew it off.

so Friday I go for manipulation, as the arm has frozen up again from lack of use,then the surgery to follow the manipulation,,,YEESSSS!

Benn playing golf one armed since coming home last August(2005). I know I have it alot better than alot of my stroke buddies, have been very fortunate to pretty much get back to normal and I know the shoulder fix'n will almost let me return to a practically a pre-stroke condition,minus alot of weight! should be getting driving back soon,as my assessment paperwork has made it through the DMV and will do the road test soon.

Things definitely looking up!

I will never forget what I've been through and the support I've gotten from this site.and hope to be able to help others along with their journey in some capacity.



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sometimes I feel like I'm headed in that direction the way my whole left side feels on some days. It's not frozen up, I've been in water therapy lately, but its over now.


My age and my attitude will carry me thru, I'm hoping. Good luck to you in your up coming surgery. Keep me posted if you will please.

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Welcome to the blog community.


I've got to ask. What is that think in the picture on your profile page? That is really interesting!!



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Way to go Bill. I know you will have some discomfort for a bit, but once you get that arm moving in PT I know you will be so glad you had it done. It does take time and lots of practicing the PT exercises at home, but I know you will do it!!!


It was almost a year before I could carry a gallon of milk with that arm. but with patience and practice it will come. Now my left arm, even though it was the "affected" side from the stroke is almost stronger than my right and I believe it was from all the exercise and PT



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Good Luck on your shoulder surgery. Hope all goes well and you're out of the hospital fast. We're professionals at our house on rotator surgery. Hubby will be going for #4 in June to repair newly repaired rotator that got torn again when he stroked 9/18. Had the first operated on 2 times in one week after the initial surgery for Staph infection. Not having good luck here as you can see.

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