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Prescription Medicines and other poisons



Sometimes I wonder if I feel so crappy because of the medicines the doctors have me on or because I had strokes. When I am coherent enough I am sure I feel bad because of the drugs. I know that my stroke has caused cognitive deficits; I used to be a Software Engineer and may never do that again. I know it causes fatigue, sleeping 16 hours per day. I know to expect headaches and nausea. I know my concept of time is messed up. Sometimes 1 minute is like an hour or vice versa. I have weird sensations like the feeling of pressure on my head, cold hands etc. I can live with all that. It is the side affects, or is it effects, of all the drugs I


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hey AJ:


well what you know we have more in common than stroke, I used to be software engineer too, luckily for me, I have no cognative defeciets, its paralysis on left side, and now after 2 years of my stroke and I m 36, I started going back to work part time 2 days a week without any pay, and slowly I am getting there where I might get back to my old job, but you know what after doing it part time for a year, I kind of liking it better, no pressure at work and still get to interact with my collegues.

and I m sure road will become smoother for you as time goes by and you get adjusted to all medical pills.


and don't read side effect labels of the medicine, that would scare you silly.



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When I put up my husband's pills, I ALWAYS wash my hands thoroughly afterwards. What is a helpful drug to one person can be poison to another.



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Asha - That is encouraging to read you are back. I have trouble even writing a hello world program. When I tell my therapists and family that they kind of look at me like "so what". :-)


Jean - That is a good idea to wash the hands. You just never know. Our caregivers do so much for us it would be tragic if they were in some way hurt in the process of helping us.

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hey AJ:


for programming if you know if/else for & while loop u r in for software developement, that's what I had told my doctors when I was still at rehab, though now at job they r starting to use java so still learning my ropes.




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aj.- .I have to echo achandra Don't read side-effects they'll just make you worry. Besides hopefully they're all helping!


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