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Trying to get a handle on this?



Hey there! Long time no see. Tomorrow I've got an appt with my neuro. Haven't seen him since my stroke was 6mo old. I'm now goin on 3 years and 4 mo a few days ago. I wanted to go and see him as my DH and I debate whether I am to continue on Plavix. I remember the stroke doc saying that with my kinda stroke I was at higher risk for 5 years. Then the neuro said he thought maybe it would even be less. Then a nurse that deals with strokers says she thought people who've had strokes stay on Plavix their whole life. So you can see why I want to see what he says now or if he'll check with my old stroke doc in rehab. With chiro strokes, can anyone answer what they've found.


Anyhoo, really my other question pertains to the way strokers handle situations now that they're a stroker. My mother (77, I'm 46 and sorta resent this mothering thing) thinks she should go to my appointment with me tomorrow because she never got to talk to the neuro ever(and my GP way long ago said the family should talk to the neuro) and thinks this is her last shot at it. It maybe was because of her not being able to handle my crying that they put me on antidepressents in hosp in the first place tho I thinks its probably routine. My gosh, a stroke is a big trauma, who hasn't gone thru it shedding tears? But now she's like " "your temper" and "how short you are with me". Who the heck doesn't have a shorter temper when it comes to dealing with family than others????Am I so different...I think stroker or not your family pushes your buttons. Esp mothers and daughters. I am a stroker and I amin the sandwich generation caught between an aging mother and a daughter who is becoming a teen. I'm trying to juggle it all the best I can....Sometimes I feel like saying to her what does she want? "a magic pill" that turns me back to the way I was??? Sorry, face it, it ain't happenen. Plus this s a confusing age, I never know to blame the stroke or perimenapause??? Any advise??? Thx :happydance:


Anyhoo the

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Hey Jan,

I'm no expert, but I am 42, experiencing menopause and have a mother who is a royal pain. So with those qualifications, I'm going to give you my take on your entry.

The mother going to the neuro appointment, well I'd tell her to take a hike if you don't want her to go. But it all may stem from some lack of control in regards to the stroke? Who knows? But what does she think her presence will accomplish? Aren't you a big girl now? You can handle your own doc appointment. I find my mother is quick to treat me like a child and I am forever repeating "I am 42 and an adult, I can take care of myself". But I guess to see things on the positive side, at least she is showing an interest and cares, it could be the opposite.


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