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I love a cools sunny day! Things here seem to be rolling along nicely. I turned 30 this past Sunday, and while most people seem to see that as a big deal, it really isn't one to me. I guess since I could be dead, I just think that 30 is another year that I get to be alive...it doesn't make me feel old or anything. I hear people say they feel old at 30. I just feel old because I had a stroke. The date looming on the horizon that has me a little more anxious is the one year anniversary of my stroke (March 27). <_< I must say that I feel a good bit more anxiety about that date than I did about my birthday. I have taken the 27th off so that I can do something fun and relaxing because to be very honest, I don't know how I will feel that day. It is hard to believe that it is almost here. 6 months ago, I wasn't sure this day would ever come. I guess I just kept thinking that I was going to wake up one morning and things were going to be back the way that they were and that my body would be like it used to be. Then one day, not so very long ago, a friend of mine told me that I was going to have to accept a new normal. While that is easier said than done, it is the mantra I repeat to myself whenever I feel frustrated with my situation.


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I was 27 when I had my CVA. You should PM me when you have the chance so we can talk. I was a 3rd grade teacher for 5 years prior to my stroke. My cognitive deficits will not allow me back to my old job:). I am now 30 and almost 3 years post stroke.


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life just begins at 30, I was 34 when I stroked, but I guess I was more settled in my normal rotine which had started to bore me, stroke turned everything upside down, and I was ready to die for my normal routine, atleast I am there in family handling capacity, career wise not there yet but I don't care anymore, I was software engineer for 10 yearsb4 stroke changed path of my life for better, now I m wprking part time and stay at home mom, and I love it to the core



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Suzie_q, I was 31 when I had my CVA, I am almost 5 years out. My mantra is...... Do I have to accept it..............YES Do I have to like it .................NO! Steph

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