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My first blog here!



Well, this blog is a great way to help yourself get better. I found this stroke boards yesterday and I was like "WOW, this is a great place". I can write/chat etc.. with others that understand what I've gone through.


Now I'm waiting for my eye's checked in April, i've been complaining since my accident and none of he neuro doctor would do a thing. I had to go to my family doctor to look after it. Maybe they wanted to wait for my brain to settle down. And I'm also waiting for a neuropsych test.


Well, I get my wifes car tomorrow so I can go out and walk around the mall. It's too cold right now for me to walk outside. I can't wait for nice weather and go out walking with Bud.


Oh ya, Budweiser is our dog (wife and I). I use his name cause he's always with me since my stroke.



Anyway, type at ya's later!



Bill Reid


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hey bud:


as you see I m stroknet junkie and blogaddict. It took me few months before I found this site and once I found it never lost sight of it, hope to hear more from u, I am one of those members who only read blogs, hope to see you more here and in chatroom





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Welcome Bill,

My husband had a stroke 3 years ago and he is getting better all the time. This is a great place for your wife too. We are glad we found this board too.


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WElcome to Strokenetwork. This one of the best places I have found. I am almost 3 yr. post ischemic stroke. 30 y.o. disabled el. teacher. I now collect the big bucks of SSDI :D . My husband and I mainly live off of love.

I look forward to getting to know you.

c ya around.


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Welcome Bill , I met you in chat and are glad you are finding your way around.. I have some Blogs around here some where in the cob webs.. I Blog occasionally but post and reply and am in chat more, Blogs are a nice way to get to know people better.. welcome budwiser I have four legged companions too.


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Hey and welcome Bill,

You remind me of myself all those months ago when I found Strokenet and it became my second home. It is a great place and the blog community is great.

Chat is also a great place to meet other survivors too.


Get ready to solve many world problems here, got character flaws you want to fine tune and work on? We take care of those too.


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