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Louis Lacoste came over yesterday to gather information for the herb garden I want in the back yard. Carl wants to do it in stones rather than treated wood. It will cost more but he is feeling abundant lately so I won't discourage that trend. Looks like it will be about a 2 ft high wall in a kidney shape which will enable me to pick out weeds sitting on the wall. This should be fine so long as I have access to all parts of the bed form either side. It will be great to plant tomatoes and basil together and have ready supplies of fresh herbs to cook with. I will have to be careful to restriuct growth of mint plants that I want for teas. Mint can really get rampant if left to wander. I need to brainstorm for plants I want or need: chives, catnip, thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, savoury, parsley, dill, coriander, nasturtium, mint, taragon, gaarlic chives,

lemon balm,. I guess i will need a good sized : bed. $$$ :big_grin:


Recommended Comments

Hi Pat


WOW a raised herb garden.....sounds fun! Keep us posted on how it goes.


There is something really healthy about the earth and growing things.


Smiles :)



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Guest lwisman


You are definitely correct about mint. We had it every where when we moved into this house 6 years ago. We managed to get rid of it in all but one spot at the side of the house. There is not much else in this little plot and it seems to be contained ok. We do cut it back. I did read that one suggestion is to plant the mint in a pot. The pot can then be planted in the garden. That way you have mint in your garden, but the roots can't grow outside the pot. Mint does come up every year.


I do have an herb garden, but everything is in pots. The chives do come up every year. We also have dill which comes up in the regular garden. This year we are going to try basil in the regular garden. We never have enough in the pots.

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