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Spring Weather, and the Stupid Insurance Co.



I love spring...the weather gets warmer, the flowers bloom, things turn green, and the people go nuts. I have determined that all the people surrounding me have a wicked case of spring fever.


I believe several people commented on the fact that we are the ones with brain damage, which begs the question, "What is wrong with everyone else?" I mean I am seriously concerned about some of the people I work with. I am not sure if they are going to make it to summer vacation.



I hate my stupid insurance company. While this may seem silly to some people it is really *beep* me off. I have been taking Effexor since my stroke. I find this drug to be necessary since the part of my brain that controls that particular emotion is damaged. However, my insurance company decided that it is no longer on their preferred list any more. Now I ask you... preferred by who? Becuase if they asked me, I would say, "Hey! I prefer that drug since it took me forever to find something that worked for me. Or does that matter?"


I mean really who do these people think they are...God? Now after all this time, I have to try to find something else that works because they have doubled the original cost, and that is more money than I have to spend on that stuff. I will be paying for the medical expenses until the end of time, and now they want more.


I am telling you...I am really mad about this!!!!




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Have you tried contacting the company that makes that drug and ask them if they have a discount program you can join? It may be worth a shot?


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Sometimes you can get "an exception" from the insurance company if you dr writes or calls the Insurance company and sends in documentin of at least 3 drugs you have tried and did not work...


I have done this for patients many times..

and as Pam says most drig companies have a form to fill out and you an usually get 3 months of medication for little or no cost. some will send to your home some will send to your dr's office for you.


I get very ... extremely ... frustrated with Insurance companies also....

Having been a Pharmacy Technician and a Medical Assistant and Now a Survivor(patient) AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH



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Hey Susi-q--I am enjoying reading your blog. In regards to your drug(s), there is a website you can download an application for free drug(s) if you qualify. The name is Pharmaceutical Partnership Association. I think the website is:




You can also google the name to make sure my brain is working properly. I have used this service and they sent me a (3) months supply of some of my pills. Once a year you have to re-apply but the process is very easy. They don't offer everything but they have substitutes you can use. For instance, they don't have BONIVA but they do have FOSOMAX. Since I am paying for everything myself, I have found this useful. Take Care and Good Luck. LK

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