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A Doctor Explained (in part) what drives Decisions



Aside from me not knowing the medical field and not giving it much thought before now, I just sorta thought all doctors saves the lives of patients and provide for their benefit in compensations. That's not the whole picture as it was explained in part, no where near totally, to me how the system functions.


Like Lawyers, some doctors have private practices, others are employed by firms, hospitals and the Federal government, who signs their pay checks. They, then have certain rules, guidelines, operating procedures and limitations to follow, which in some cases are not in the best interest of the patient, but rather the firm or hospital they work for.


There are still other doctors who are fee based doctors which can write you a certain prescription in their office visit but at the hospital, can't write that same prescription for you being seen there. Now I see the picture why you have to see the company doctors then have your own doctor fight for your rights to get disability or not. That's like the DA and the Defense lawyers beyond reasonable doubt cases.


That's just a small part of why there are some getting percentages for disabilities while others get nothing and are in worse physical conditions.


To me, that goes back to the saying, "those with money go to Court, while those without money goes to jail."

If you have little or no insurance, your level of care is limited. If you can't afford to go to a doctor that can diagnose your condition to offset the company doctors, you are dead in the water.


Here in the US, in an emergency, you are supposed to be treated at the hospital with or without insurance. That is not always the case at some hospitals. Once the EMS personnel determine your insurance position, they know which hospital to transport you for care. So you never know about the decision being made.


Doctors are very smart people and have dedicated many years to the medical practice and continue to do so to stay abreast of changing technology in taking care of human bodies. My number has to be called soon.


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you still don't know your treatment plan and benefit status? :rolleyes: :jawdrop:


that's disgraceful! (i'm editing this comment before the board editor does) :Booty:


perhaps there's a way to light a fire under your doctors' collective posteriors so that you can know what the future holds..... :makmiday:



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Sandy, I get the feeling this time I will get something, I'm not giving up anymore. It could be for a long way back. I'll see, but how soon?


The plan is no problem, it's the benefits that's slow going. Since 1981, come on, that's too long. I know medical cases and law suits take a long time, but this is reaching record status time just for a determination of pay or no pay.

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