Pack Rat
I have become something that I can't see how my wife can stand. I'm not technically a real pack rat, saving everything, but I am in I guess an isolated way. There are three places in our house, my chair in our family room, the desk in our computer room and my side of the bed which are sometimes junk piles. It is so wierd. I don't think I notice stuff like that anymore until someone points it out to me. But just look at a place where I spend any time and there are piles of magazines, books, pop cans, newspapers, stuff printed from our computer and on and on and on.
I know it has to drive my wife crazy that I don't notice when the house gets messy. She is such a great, organized housekeeper that likes things super clean. Besides my little "pack rat" areas the house can look like a tornado hit it and I won't notice until it is pointed out. Of course because of my new way of thinking after the strokes, once I know something has to be cleaned it takes me forever to figure out how to do it. I can spend half an hour doing five minutes worth of work.
I was thinking of offering my neurologist $100 if he would restrict me from vacuuming, dusting and washing dishes. The only problem is he is a great doctor and an ethical guy, he probably wouldn't do that.
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