Weekend, here I come! Bed, get ready.
Have to see what this is like)
I'm so very tired and fatigued. Not the best thing for a stroker. Just one more day and then decision time. Unfortunately, Two of my jobs bumped inot each other and I am a victim of more hours of work than I'd prefer. The new job is very physical - too much for me. To top this off it is early in the am. Being a pmer for years, the change has been difficult and almost impossible. My old job is in the reset phase which in itself is tiring, especially when one wants to scream, "Idiots!" Well Monday, after working 7 - 1 in a grocery "cutting in new products in the cereal section, I went to job #2 and worked there, gathering the numerous books that they forced on the store that did not sell. At the first job, I asked myself why groceries have 56' 4 or 5 shelves high of cold cereal. What is the matter with us? Aren't we now happy with plain corned flakes, puffed rice, shredded wheat without having to decide which cereal to buy the family. Then, numbers - enough to boggle this brain that had been injured. UPC numbers- 11 long which have to be written long-hand (after a while, I can't read my own writing) Why must a distributer load up almost $3000.00 wholesale of excess stock, and why does the retailer allow this? Pretty expensive to just "sit" there.:Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: .I've come to the conclusion that buyers are idiots, and those designing the plan-o-grams (diagrams of where everything goes) have never had to place it on shelves and have no idea that "there isn't room for 12 boxes in a space that holds 10". Tues. the same deal went on, but I left at 6pm so I could go to the orchid workshop; Wednesday, getting store 2 ready and then job 3 which turned out not to need any work Today, no grocery work but having to go and assist in getting the books packed. My job was very little- just putting stickers on the boxes- bless the return people - then putting out the new books the idiots think will sell when the others didn't. Tomorrow, the same for store 2. Hopefully job 3 will not have to be done tomorrow and I can come home and start my weekend of sleep! :Yawn: All the while thinking :uhm: Do I want to continue this lunacy?
My 6 lb. dog who has more sense than I has been sleeping in bed for hours now; think I'll join her. LOL :roflmao:
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