Happy but Sad
Well, I got a call today with my wife (separated) and we got a offer for our house. It was lower than wath we were asking but the realtor took the commision lower from 5% to 3% so buy the end we are still getting the money we wanted. We were so happy that we are agreeing the offer and the end of it will be the last of October. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with the house and the new apartment but at the same time i'm sad as it was our first house. I did so much for that house (fence/deck/basement etc...).
I'm going to buy another house one day for me and Bud.
There is some pics of my house (I put it in my album). The front (deck and flowers I did it all) and the basement I did all except the bar.
Not bad with a one arm bandit.
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