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The Yearly Reunion



Today was the day of the yearly rehab reunion. This was my 4th and each year it seems to get better. They had a Luau theme and as you entered the convention center where it is held, a lei was placed around your neck. You were given a name tag, a door prize ticket and the wonderful "goodie bag".Sat down at a table for 8 and it was beautifully decorated with a pineapplw centerpiece with those little paper umbrellas and small sik flowers from cut upleis. Ah, but what did the goodie bag contain? This year the bag was a beautiful blue and black tote and contained a rehab t-shirt. refrigerator magnet that gives the warnings of a stroke and the most unusual item. In fact I need your help telling me what it is. It is in a clear plastic box and it about a 1-1/2" glob of some sticky stuff in the shape of a brain! A wonderful 3 dimensional replica, with all the pathways and even showing the brain stem on the back. It is not a keychain, is not a magnet (too sticky even if you wanted to glue a magnet to it for a refrigerator decoration. I wondered if it is sticky and squishy because a brain feels like that? Whatever it is, I love it; it is cool.


The food served was excellent- a salad, rolls and butter, sweet tea (this is the south), and and entree of boneless chicken breast with a thing sauce with mushrooms and waternuts, string beans and penne pasta with small stuffed green olives. Dessert was a decadent chocolate cake hunk with just a sprink;e of maraschino sauce and a dollop of cream.


There were slides, interesting speeches, the adminstrators telling of new events etc. and testimonials by anyone who wanted to tell their experiences, One man who had 2 hip replacements told how he won his golf club title. Strokers told how they woke up never thinking they would have a stroke, did and how they have rehabilitated (as well all had) Some of the therapists were there and people got to see the ones (in some cases) that had helped them. It was a wonderful few hours and I look foward to next year.


Tomorrow is the start of the monthly stroke support meetings. This year there are 2 groups - one for those with aphasia (to discuss their particular problems and then one for other strokers. I can't wait!


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