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Appropriate illnesses...



I wonder about kharma (often thanks to the show My Name is Earl!). I do believe that you reap what you sow but I also wonder how we get what we deserve in other ways.


I know someone who finds humor in cutting other people down, people commented that he is chauvenistic bordering on misogynistic. Whether in private or publicly, he loved to be a Negative Ned. Now he has mouth cancer. While I would never wish cancer or serious illness upon anyone, I find it somewhat fitting for him considering all of the viciousness he spewed forth. :Tantrum:


Thinking of that made me wonder how appropriate my stroke was for me - in what way could I have deserved this? Because I thought people were wasting their bodies by not eating healthy and exercising (rather self-righteous of me)? Because I didn't use my body for its full potential (wasteful on my part)? Because I didn't take care of the heart situation earlier (neglectful)? Is it ridiculous to think in these terms?


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In a word, "YES" it is rediculous to think in those terms of people getting "appropriate illnesses. If we all got the karma or pay-backs you're suggesting why do people like Mother Theresa or your past Pope ever get illnesses and die?



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In a word, "YES" it is rediculous to think in those terms of people getting "appropriate illnesses. If we all got the karma or pay-backs you're suggesting why do people like Mother Theresa or your past Pope ever get illnesses and die?



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I went back and read most of your blogs so I could make my best comment to your appropriate illnesses blog. I do believe you must sow before you can harvest, but some people seem to be the opposite. Well, my preacher tells the congregation each Sunday it's a fact, even giving 10% of your earnings.


Since my bleed stroke and finding out the true cause, I've decided that from birth we have certain destinies for our lives including our dying day.

Otherwise, why do some eat healthy, exercise, never been sick, yet die from cancer young and old? Meet with sickness and death in many other ways, houses catch fire, get shot as an innocent bystander, just on and on.


I prefer to think all our days are numbered, our hard times are measured and our lives set from birth. Not what we did or didn't do to deserve what we got and where we are presently.


Look at the stillborns from healthy parents, the deformatives, then us in later years. Even if man could figure out a way to live much longer, God has his way to keep the world the way he wants it to be in my opinion.


Think what we must, let's not blame ourselves for what we got.

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I don't think there are "appropriate" illnesses but I'm learning that there are lessons that a higher power offers us in these moments. Instead of focusing on what you did to deserve the stroke...awful thought at that...focus on what you are learning NOW about yourself that can help you be a better more whole person!!!


How many more days for the diss defense???!!

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Wow, Robyn - great way to think about it! Thank you for that.


2 1/2 weeks before the defense and I am working hard on revisions from my major professor. I swear this guy is a certifiable genius - I am always awed at his insight/suggestions. It is a lot though. I feel very overwhelmed right now (I know that is normal but I get freaked & stress too easily...plus I {obviously} don't handle stress well :blush: )

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:mwah: It is a lesson I'm trying to internalize now...change my perspective and think more about what I can learn about myself rather than what I lost!!!


You're gonna do great!!! Keep us posted on the date so I can send you positive vibes!!! :Clap-Hands:

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