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not so good news day



Well what a day it has been. I don't know why I can't just order a peaceful day. I have some exciting, annoying, difficult to swallow news and I am not allowed to talk about it for a couple of days. It is about where my Sydney family is being posted to and it is just so far away it might as well be the other side of the planet. For them it a wonderful move. If I was their age it would be for me.I would just be so pleased.


They are going up north to a small city. It is warm, it is scenic, it is a sought after destination. It is a bright town with a lot of potential and I am sure they will settle right in. But it is so far away. Of course if we could just board a plane no worries but we can't. Since the 1999 strokes Ray is not allowed to fly because he has a narrowed artery in the brain. It is something to do with the pressure. So it is a land journey measured in days. And with his many conditions that is a major undertaking.


I am just trying to adjust to the news. I don't want to rain on their parade. It just feels like losing someone you love, they will be too far away to be a part of our everyday life and we theirs. Naomi will grow up not really knowing which of the Nanny/Poppy, Granma/Pa combinations is on the phone. We will fade in their memories. We will have two or three years without watching the grandchildren grow up. Just thinking about it is tearing me up.


I guess this is how my parents felt when we announced that we were going to live firstly five hours drive away and three years later ten hours drive away when Ray was transferred with his job. I guess for my Mum who was used to me living just up the road it was as devastating as it feels for me now. We, of course, were able to come back here every two months or so to see our old folks. Our kids won't be able to as running a Salvation Army Corps is a real big commitment, we will just see them a couple of times a year. I know, it is not all about me.


Things have been going well for a few weeks and I was just starting to build up some confidence in the future again. But Ray had two "accidents" two days in a row. We just seem to get things sorted out and something else happens. Well I cope, but it does not make for a happy day. And he gets that hang dog look when I get out of sorts and nag him.


Next blog will be bright and breezy and full of the joys of Spring. Promise.


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Sue-I know how you must feel. My 4 Grandchildren were born out of state and I missed them being babies. Five years ago we could drive down to visit but since the stroke and rotator surgeries financially it is out of the question right now. I've missed alot in their little lives. But as the 2 oldest are 4 + 5 and starting kindergarten and with today's electronics they are now e-mailing me every night about their day (Their Daddy types what they want to say to me) It's so cute what goes on in their brain.

Naomi will remember you and the things you and her did together and she will know your voice, trust me. They remember stuff you and I can't remember.

I hope you fell better soon!

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I am sorry to hear your news, for your sake. I have never had a child move away (although sometimes I'd like to GIVE him away :) ) but I know what it's like to move away from your mom.


I have moved halfway across the country from my mom twice now, once from Iowa to North Carolina, and now from Illinois to Colorado. It has been hard on my mom both times as we are very close.


Funny thing about moving away, I talk more to her now than I did when we were neighbors or when we were 1 1/2 hrs away. Maybe that will hold true for your kids and grandkids too.


As parents, we are always happier when are kids are happy. Hopefully you will get some comfort knowing they are where they really want to be at this time in their lives.


Talk to ya soon,


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Since I was 20 I have lived in Scotland and my family have been in England. They are 10-12 hrs drive, about 7 on the train about 4 flying(door to door).


Yes when they children young it was more difficult. We would go down for a week at a time in the summer, usually by train. Other relatives would come up.

It is hard when I hear my sister say they are al having a BBQ, or all get together at Christmas, but that is the way it had to be.


The boys are well aware of their different grand parents....but it does take effort and time.


This day of modern techology try phoning thru Skype and use a web cam then they can see you and you can see them.


Hopefully you will see more positves as time wears on, but I think I know where you are coming from





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I feel like I'm missing them all grow up. My daughter(who has two kids) lived in Texas.

And me in Virginia. Now she lives 5 hours away in North Carolina.

My son and his family are at the end of my driveway. His 3 are the light of my life so when they were talking about moving away to another state I felt the same as you. And it really hurt. Thank god they decided not to.

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I miss my parents and they live quite a ways away from me. Thankfully they are considering moving back to the midwest to be closer to us three children...my bro and I live in Illinois and my sister lives in Wisconsin.


I can understand missing your family...I'm sorry. Don't give up hope for the future...!!! :hug:

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My daughter and her husband will be in charge of the Corps at Cairns in Northern Queensland, this is 1,700 miles (2735kms) from us. That is a loooong way. As Cairns is also on the Great Barrier Reef (on the northern end of it) and a very popular tourist spot this is a very exciting place for them to start their ministry.


I am sure I will find an alterate way to get there besides flying and Ray and I will look to travelling there in late fall or early winter when the grey power gypsies go north.


I have Christopher here until Sunday and will make the most of our time together.This afternoon we went two beaches over and played in the rock pools. Isn't it fun that being with a child allows you to be a child yourself?



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