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Weird stuff



Man alive am I sore from step aerobics class! Oddly though - the soreness is only on my unaffected side - I know I worked my affected side just as much but it doesn't seem to know when it is sore. It is a very weird thing to have one leg and butt sore and the other side doesn't seem to know a thing.


I am revising the last section of my dissertation and I continue with writing issues that I have always and forever have had - I am too concise and need to expand on the topics. I find that difficult. At the same time, it is comforting to have a same problem rather than a new, stroke problem - I hope that makes sense, as weird as it is.


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I get sore on one side too nonaffected side, my theory is that I don't use right musclegroup in my affected side so overstraining my nonaffected side more,


and I am very proud pf your phd diss.... or w/e is called, I know it is lot of hard work went in there, so cheering for you in our virtual world,


go get them




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My husband realized no matter how hard he worked his affected side, it never gets sore. He also found out, that what happens, is, it just quits working when it has had enough. A bit frustrating.



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