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mixed messages again



I had two phone calls tonight. To each of the callers I made the statement :"Ray has had five strokes so he needs me to answer for him." In the first instance I got a very terse reply and the caller hung up. As this one was from our life insurance company and was supposed to give me a run-down on options for the cashing in of one of Ray's policies she is going to have me complain to her supervisor tomorrow.


I am sick of explaining that Ray had had five strokes so therefore he can't - understand long sentences, speak on the phone like he used to, consider complicated options, write them a letter giving me permission to talk on his behalf, think fast enough to answer their stupid questions. I want to yell down the phone line: "WHO ARE YOU? ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING? WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT WHAT I AM TELLING YOU?"


The second phone call was from one of those "Free Holiday in our Timeshare Units" people. For $109 you got the right to spend five nights in their accommodation but only one night per unit etc. I tried explaining to the lady that our needs were specific as Ray can't walk far, needs a special shower, cannot eat restaurant food, etc. I don't know why I tried to explain when it would have been easier to simply hang up.


Both these episodes left me shaken. Maybe the effort of keeping life in focus is proving too much again. It sometimes seems so hard to just have to do the simple everyday transactions that keep life going. I wish I was a business woman and had that kind of brain, so I could make complicated financial decisions and come out with the best possible solution, but I can't. And ironically the nice man who used to be our financial advisor and set me up with Ray's annuity etc died earlier this year of a heart attack in his early fifties. Too bad, loss of another good man.


I wonder why I feel so really helpless in the face of so many financial decisions? I am possibly feeling anxious at the moment as the time to put Ray into respite is approaching and I have no real plans as to what I am going to do with the time. I would like to visit my daughter, have a mini break somewhere nice and then spend a few days tidying up the house. I would also like to sleep for a fortnight in a nice room by the side of the ocean on a tropical island in a hugely expensive burro. I think that is what one of those thatched huts are called that you see in places where Madonna or Tom Cruise once used to holiday with their family/significant other. If it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me.


So tomorrow morning I will ring the insurance company, ask to speak to a supervisor, complain about *D* the girl who rang me tonight and ask her is it possible to talk this over with someone face to face, and no, I am not going to pay a large fee to talk it over with a financial advisor, thank you very much. Wish me luck.


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I know what you mean about people on the phone can be so stupid. I just got a call this morning from someone who wanted to talk to Don. I told her that he wasn't available and can I take a message. She then asked if there was a better time to call. I answered, "No, there isn't. He has aphasia due to a stroke and can't talk at all." And this is the stupid part: she then said, "Oh, that's so good to hear. I'll take him off our call list." Good to hear? Good for who? It certainly isn't good for Don or me. The only good thing to be said about is that she probably got off the phone and kicked herself for being so insensitive. It probably will bother her a lot longer than it will bother me. Such is the life of a caregiver but it does add to the stress level.


Good luck with your insurance issue! I run into so much of this kind of stuff, too. Sometimes it makes you want to get a male friend to act the part of Don on the phone so the friend can tell them to change the records to let his wife conduct the business. The worst for me right now is trying to cancel credit cards in Don's name. It's nearly impossible even after all this time of them being inactive! Why won't they quit sending them when we never even activate them?



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I also understand how frustrating those phone calls can be. We had attorneys here the past two days taking depositions and even after seeing Gary on the first day, they were determined to come back on Tues. and depose him. He can't talk well enough for most people to understand, but we had to let them do what they asked. They spent 35 min. setting up video and audio for the deposition, my sister and I helped him to the basement where we had the room all set up, and his deposition lasted all of five minutes.........most of that time was the lawyer slowly asking him a question and getting frustrated because he couldn't understand his answer. Gary finally started to cry because he realized they didn't understand his answers, and the attorney finally "GOT IT." I think the man was actually fighting back tears when he finally asked to "go off the record and end the session."





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I did ring and put in a complaint, the person on the phone was somewhat conciliatory. Apparently I have to send a letter saying my Power of Attorney papers are still current (?) and have my husband sign it. That should be interesting. He did speak to the person to give his permission to speak to me. Mind you I am the "owner" of the policy so why I had to do this is beyond me. :Tantrum:


I have been crying in the garden this afternoon. I was digging up broadleaf weed and other rubbish in the lawn. That was one of Ray's Spring jobs, our lawn was always neat and tidy and our edging neat and well maintained and when I looked around it is all just so in need of someone else working on it beside me. And the drought is showing now with some of the tender plants that bloom in December drying off already so by Christmas only the leggy geraniums will be blooming. :thankyou:


It is all too much some days. I am looking for some positive changes in my life, I want something good to happen. Anyone out there with a magic wand? :cheer:


Sue. :Angel: or :death:

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Wish I had one...I would send it right along to you! Or a strong man with tools...(of course he can use them)


I will send my love and prayers. Wish I could go with you to that tropical retreat!



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Oh Sue - I'm sending you a big hug!


You know, your posts always give my brain a jolt, because your going in to summer down there, and sometimes it just doesn't compute for me. I was reading, thinking, something is wrong with having tender new plant shoots in December...... then I get it, and it makes me smile.



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My goodness how I can relate. And Jean is brilliant: think about it--they won't talk to you on the phone, but if you say "Sure, let me get him for you" and then give the phone to your son, they would be quite prepared to discuss the whole issue with him. It doesn't make sense.


Sue, you are so supportive of us all, I hope you know that there are many people here, survivors and caregivers, who understand what you're feeling and are going through a version of the same thing. It's tiring. But you're doing really well!


Leggy geraniums are kinda nice, I always think. And tidy edges are overrated. . ..



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Still haven't got to see anyone yet. That is probably because they said it was urgent!


I did have a call from the people who l used to have financial planning with offering to come out and look over the situation for me. The partner we use to deal with died some two or three years ago, they moved offices and I think lost their contact list as we hadn't heard from them for a while.


I wonder how much their visit/advice will cost! And if it will be in my lifetime?



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