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Slowed but not stopped by stroke



Yesterday was the biggest day of my academic career. It was my final dissertation defense. When I get really stressed out, I get a bit flaky (pre-stroke too) & I forgot my computer - WITH MY PRESENTATION - at home!!


I started out the day with trying to find a nice outfit. I have gained about 10 pounds (I refuse to get on a scale right now so I guesstimate) since the stroke and couldn't fit into my suit. I fit into some fat clothes and drove off to get my hair done. My stylist is great - she is energetic, creative, great at what she does, and loves her job. She made my hair look great. I had 3 phone calls on my cell while there and finally answered the 3rd time - it was my advisor wondering where I was! I got into work at 11:30 and clarified some concerns that my advisor had. His wife was at my practice presentation and brought some concerns to me and mentioned them to him. She is awesome - brilliant, kind, and helpful. I had a donut for lunch - not nutritious but I was nervous about leaving and not making it back on time!


A good friend, Carol, had come for support and she & I were chatting while I was pacing when Bob showed up with my computer!! woo hoo - he is the best!! We went to the conference room at 1:15 pm to set up the computer and projection system and to wait for the committee. One of the members was about 15 minutes late - wringing my nerves dry!


I started and made a joke about how much has happened since I last saw them for the proposal defense <_< . During the presentation, I noticed that I was talking fast and told myself to slow down (something that I am working on for public speaking). I gave a 20 minute presentation and answered 20 minutes worth of questions. I kept expecting to be blind-sided but I could answer the questions relatively well - with more time and thought, I feel as though I could have been more thorough though, oh well :blush: .


Carol, Bob, & I left to get the paperwork for the committee to sign while they decided my fate. We got back and they were ready for us - I passed. I PASSED!! Get this - I passed as presented...WITH NO REVISIONS (very rare)!!! :Clap-Hands:


We went out and celebrated :beer: :cocktail:


It is still very surreal and I don't feel 'doctor-ish' yet. I wonder if I ever will or if I will just get brainwashed with it eventually (if enough people call me a Dr. I will eventually believe it & feel like it?)




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:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


You Rock Doc.



It's hard enough without the stroke to achieve what you have. And the striving you have done has been an inspiration. Keep on going, you can never get too much education.


Well Done. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


From Sue. :friends:

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Dear Doctor Justsurviving,


It's time to change your display name here. You're no longer 'just surviving' you're back to living a life again. And doing it very well, I might add.





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Sherri...YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CONGRATS...especially on having NO REVISIONS! HOW FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats DOC...you get used to it after a while and actually enjoy it when people call you DOC!!!


I'm very very proud of you!

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oh man Doctor Sherry


congratulations!!!!!, I am so happy and proud of you, we can do anything even afer our stroke, you are my hero now.


I used to be surrounded by all phd at my previous workplace,I used to teas them saying you all phd are poor hungry doctors, those other medical doctors are rich one.



jokes aside way to go sherry, and who is Bob?




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HOW GREAT! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :congrats: I could never do that.......not learning, and certainly never speaking before anyone who maight criticize, stroke or not.


Now let's see what a great new name you can come up with besides justsurviving, Phd.


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So glad Bob got the computer to you in time.


Congrats on the SPEECH that is totally awesome.

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:giggle: Thank you!


Asha - Bob is my husband, I also had a friend there - Carol, I should specify.


A new name...I should come up with that - do I need to create a new account for that?

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