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Another year coming to an end



Well folks, here we are near the end of another year. We lost some members, family, friends and gained many along the way this year. How remarkable it is for us to feel we have made recovery our goal to gain as much independence as possible little by little. As always, we have had our share of non-productive days, weeks and months, but there are only 36 days left in this year.


There is strife and wars all over the world in some form or another. People bombing and killing their own people, others involved in accidents, national disasters, and here we are tying to learn how to walk, talk, see and become more productive in life again.


I often wonder where I would be if I were able bodied and not slowed down as I am now? Would I be on a cruise ship?, in a foreign country?, in Iraq?, or here at my house where I feel safe? What ever the answer, I tend to accept what has happen to me for what ever reason it happened. For that reason alone, I'm glad I got the chance to travel and see all the places I did while I was able.


So now at 65 years young, I can be content in my rocking chair telling war stories to my grand and great grand children and about the good old days and all the things we didn't have that they enjoy now. One thing for sure, time waits for no one and is forever changing.


With that said, Christmas is just a month away, so we got more chance to get deeper in debt with those charge cards. I put mine in the drawer two years ago and my balances are just about zero by the end of this year. I got a headache Friday watching all those shoppers swipe their cards. The terminals even got tired and slowed down for a while. I just know there will be some big outstanding balances when they get their December statements.


Well, this is my time to wish everybody a political correct happy holiday and the rest of you around my age, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here is notice that I will not debate that issue on our message board this year, like I did last year. I have volunteered for extra hours during the month of December, since walmart is closed on Christmas day, starting at 6pm on Christmas Eve. :scooter:


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Fred, I wish you everything you wish yourself.


Here we too are a year older, Ray maybe not as healthy as this time last year, me a little heavier at heart. But we just had our older son and his wife and two of our grandchildren here and it was a good day. Trev is 32 tomorrow and it was a small celebration as he will be working tomorrow (Monday).


Summer is a'coming and Christmas too. Lots to for us to celebrate as we are still here, still together. :chat:


We wish each other "Peace be with you" each Sunday knowing that "Peace on earth" is never a reality, there are always wars big and small somewhere on our good Earth. It is great to live in a relatively peaceful country and we all ought to count that as a real blessing.



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The years do go by fast as I contemplate my 21 years as a stroke survivor, and am thankful for every day -


June :cheer:

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Fred, have a great Christmas and New Years and your family's.


Yes, another year is almost over. I hope I have a better year than this one. My year was the worst in many years from my separation and a hard time dealing with my insurance. I need to keep looking ahead and not behind.





Bill and Bud :beer: :Clap-Hands:

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Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Years and hopely no one else will debate the Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays issue anywhere in the world this year.



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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you.


You have a wonderful attitude. Things change from year to year, and no doubt this was a strange year for me, stroking in April. Actually, my stroke allowed me to travel a bit over the summer, instead of working what used to seem like 24/7. So I am thankful for that opportunity. Just an interesting twist to being impaired due to stroke.


Well, here's to you and everybody on the blog's and boards, to have a wonderful New Year too.



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Merry Christmas to you too!!! I truly enjoy reading your blogs and posts. It has been a rather crazy year for our Country. Hopefully, we'll face a brighter New Year.

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