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Bob & I went to see the cartoon movie "Happy Feet" - very cute with always-entertaining Robin Williams. The movie has a message about human waste in general (litter & over-farming of fish) but the thing that got me thinking most was wondering if I can dance again. I am almost scared to find out. I used to love to dance. Bob & I spent months learning the Tango and Cha-cha for our wedding. It was easy for me and so much fun. I will wait until I shed some pounds so that if I can dance, it is easier for me and if I can't, I know it isn't just because I gained weight in the last year.


We went to the local Crash-A-Rama last night or as the announcer liked to say, the Craysh-uh-rahmah. The accent really cracked me up. It was tons of fun. They have school bus figure 8 races, boat trailer and camper races, compact car demo derby, and larger car demo derby. It started at 8 pm and lasted for almost 5 hours. Even though we are in Florida, it got down to the low 60's, high 50's and is such a damp cold that I was fairly frozen by midnight. It turns out that I still have temperature control problems. My affected side couldn't warm up - my good leg didn't want to touch my bad leg because of the temp differences! I was awake until 4 am because I just couldn't get warm. My affected side couldn't feel the warmth of the bed whatsoever. Bob finally woke up around 3 to help warm me up and I got warm enough to sleep finally! Eh, it was still worth it - darn fun & funny! Shewt. yeah, shewt!


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I used to love to dance, too, and wish you good luck in loosing your weight -

Only reason I can't ever dance is due to my stroke that left my left side paralyzed

June :cheer:

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Dear justsurviving--I am sure you will be a ble to dance, you just have to know it for yourself. When you are ready, you will do it. Look how much you have accomplished so far. You are doing great. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :happydance: :happydance:


I have had fear of trying "new" things but when I realize it is just fear, I go for it and try it. I am so happy for the things you have been able to accomplish. You are like the Energizer Bunny! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Thak you for mentioning the difference in temps. I experience that, too. Take Care.

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hey Dr. Sherri:


I saw happy feet with my kido and loved it, it touched chord with me about me being different now after stroke, and i am sure you will dance again, maybe not as graceful as before but hey who cares dance like no one is watching. I am even afraid to ask you how bob warmed you up (and No I don't want to know :D)




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I'm usually in bed before Rob, and when he gets in I always have to warm up his right leg and foot. It's almost a ritual for us. It makes me feel bad for him because his leg is so cold - and I can imagine how much it hurts.


I like to tell Rob that others have this same problem..... so he feels a bit better about it.


Stay warm!



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Hey Dr...

As I was lying in bed last night, I was thinking of your "Thought Provoking" to which I had responded. I kicked myself because I totally forgot I could tell you about my experience of dancing. I suppose my brain doesn't work as well as it did BS. :Tantrum:


My youngest son got married this past October and in my rehabilitation, I told the therapists I would walk down the aisle UNAIDED by cane or walker. That, and dance w/ my son at his wedding. Those were my goals.


Because my stroke site was in my cerebellum, it affects my balance. I can lurch around like a drunken sailor. :ranting:


I did walk down the aisle on my oldest son's arm and at the reception, not only did I dance w/ my son but my brother and I danced a couple of the fast dances, as well. My brother is a great dancer and I used to be really good. I love to dance and I think it might be good exercise to get my limbs limber again.


Now my son and I did not do anything as intricate as a Tango and my brother and I did not Salsa. But we made a pretty good swath--and, no, it wasn't because I was lurching. It was fun. I think if you really love to dance, get out there. Don't worry that you are not perfect. I hope you are encouraged to do something you love. The more you try it, the better you will get at it...and think of the fun you will have along the way. :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Take Care. LK

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