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Not feeling so hot...



I really hate days like today. I went to bed last night with a terrible headache and an upset stomach. I am sure it is some random bug I have caught from the kids at school, but it still makes me nervous. I didn't sleep well because the last time I felt similar to this I ended up with no movement on my right side. I keep hoping that eventually I won't feel like this any more. That every time I get sick, I won't automatically think the worst. :( Of course the rational part of me knows that even high school students carry around a ton of germs and that sometimes, I am going to be sick thanks to them. I mean let's face it, everyone gets sick sometimes, and that "everyone" includes me.


Thankfully, I am mostly distracted by the fact that one week from today I will be leaving to visit friends in NYC, and as nervous as I am, I am about 50 times more excited about getting out of town for a couple of days.


On another exciting note, one of my former students who I now work with (how weird is that...makes me feel old) is going to be in NY the same time I am, and is going to propose to his girlfriend (I taught her too!). He is going to call me so I can maybe come sneak a peek of the big question. :cheer:




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hey Suszie:


I am getting more excited about your NYC trip than maybe you are, and things getting better and better, getting sneak peek of lovebirds sounds so exciting, giving me butterfflies in my heart, love is great thing.




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So sorry to hear you are under the weather. I had the worst cold in my life late summer this year, and I wondered if it was so bad just because of my stroke. Who knows, but the imagination came into play and it kind of freaked me out.


On the other hand, I am so glad you are getting to NY, and sounds like the trip will be filled with wonderful memories to bring home.



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