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Life is an adventure



Life is an adventure, an adventure to be lived. I have used that line to bring me out of my doldrums many times, both pre and post stroke.


I had to use it today as I really didn't feel the energy to get to church. I thought about not going several times, until I remembered that my greatest adventure in life, is my relationship with my God. So I gathered up as much energy as I could muster, and made my way to church.


My good friends Phil and Kathleen are wonderful people, and they came to pick me up. Kathleen has Fibromyalgia, and I have CPS, so we like to swap "war stories" on how to fight the pain we have. Phil is usually quiet when Kathleen and I talk, and while he is driving, I really prefer it that way. Phil likes to talk with his hands, and I would rather he keep his hands on the steering wheel. I let Phil do some talking at lunch after church, when it was a bit safer to do so. We went for BBQ, so Phil had a lot of ribs in mouth, therefore, his conversation was somewhat limited, and a bit messy.


I digress. The sermon was good and got me thinking. I am here for a reason, but where am I going? I don't know if I have solved the question, but I did figure out, that most likely, I need to start thinking outside the box, to get out of my comfort zone. Cole Porter wrote the song,"Don't Fence Me In." People and things don't fence me in, as was the premise of that song. I am the only one responsible for that. Sounds a bit like the "Great American Dream;" the hope of having it all. I am not trying to be that simplistic or unrealistic. I am beginning to see that I can make more of my life, if I get out of my comfort zone; not recklessly, but purposefully.


So I go back to my original premise of life being an adventure, an adventure to be lived. I am going to tweak that phrase a bit now, after being challenged by the church sermon. Life is an adventure, an adventure to be lived, but it's up to me to make it purposeful and exciting and full of worth. To figure out the question as to where I am going, will take some soul searching. Frederick Buechner said, "The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." So I feel the need to connect those two thoughts to figure it out. I am looking forward to the adventure in store for me.


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Interesting blog entry, Bob. I enjoyed it and will take something away from reading it. I love your 'life is an adventure' line. When you get it tweaked you could use it for your signature here (those little lines below our posts).



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great thught provoking blog, life is indeed adventure, you never know what you will find till you go and march on that journey, I also wondered a lot after my stroke what's my purpose to be around, even when I am disabled, though I have constant reminder of my purpose my kido hugging me, fighting me, but sometime even that does not satisfy me, so I keep trust in God and keep on doing things which will matter in people's lives.




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One of my firmest beliefs is that any experience I have can be used in some way to help another. I wish that for you, too.


I appreciated your blog and agree with you that our lives are truly adventures! Congrats on getting yourself up and out to church - that's an area we really struggle with. Bill does't do well in the mornings, in fact he has always like to sleep in, so we just don't make it out. We do enjoy going to the 'Church of the 27" ' which is what I used to call it when my mom and dad attended Sunday morning church at home!



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Bob, in a post you did on the subject "hobbies" you said you used to make custom fishing rods. I have a good friend who buys rods cheap at garage sales, refurbishes them and uses them to teach kids to fish. In this way he has inspired a lot of boys to take to the great outdoors at very little cost as he gives them the rod as a souvenir at the end of the day.


Don't know if this would work for you but it just popped into my mind as I read this.



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Since Sue brought up the rods, do you have a little vice that you can use to free up one hand? I remember you posting that this is a problem. I met a certified rods builder and fishing instructor this fall and he teaches using the one-handed rods. If you post on this topic again, don't forget we have the new disability sports and hobbies forum.



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