Glad the week has ended!
This turned into a terrible week for me! After starting out so well from the Christmas Party, it went down hill. I imagine life is like that- ups and downs but the part that has had the worst effect is the loss of the husband of a woman who belonged to a cluib with me.
I didn't actually know the man except for seeing him at affaits - usually during the holiday season. I don't know why, but when speaking to my sister about him, I'd always refer to him as Donald Trump. I haven't the slightest idea why. Perhaps because they were well off (though not anywhere as as weathy as "The D") or maybe it was the way he combed his hair. It was reddish and at Christmas he wore a bright kelly green jacket.
The woman was always very nice to me; Me with my crazy balance. She nearly had a fit when we were leaving a party that she had at her home and I was on her driveway saying goodbye and I did my famous- oops my balance "act". It was only a few months after I had had my stroke and shortly after I was walking unaided. Later she told me about some oxygen product from a health food store that she felt would help my brain to heal better and even offered it buy it for me. It was a year ago when I last saw here and had told her that I really didn't need it because my neurologist had some sort of gadget that measures oxygen in the blood (which I couldn't understand and mine was 99 which was the best you could get, they said. She still felt it would help me. It was just a few weeks after when I heard that her husband had had a stroke. As I'm sure we all feel, I felt so helpless and wondered how I could help, then again, when you are improved and you are trying to help one who is newly shocked by stroke to a loved one, you are in a strange position (JMHO) Well, I imagine he went to the hospital that I was at originally was at and the nicest thing they did for me was to transfer me to another hospital because they didn't have a neurosurgeon. They since have gotten one but I do believe they are not as good as where I went. They have been advertising that they are a stroke center etc. and the competition advertises that they are Central Florida's ONLY Comprehensice Stroke Center. Of course both hospitals loose patients but the first place is really known as a heart surgery place. Anyway, it was a year since the man's stroke. She had told my sister that he would not do therapy and as I have found with others, this is the worse thing one can do. I hope we all know this. I feel bad that I somehow didn't find a way to let them know..........but then again telling people one thing and getting them to do it is a different story. I will miss seeing my Donald Trump and sympathise with his wife.
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