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Daughters Basket ball game



Well this makes it 8 and 0 one more game to clinch the entire game undefeted.


They just have an awesome team I am very proud of my Daughter she will have to add another trophy to her shelf next week will be the last game of the season , then it will be baseball just to let you all know she loves baseball too biggrin2.gif

when she plays baseball I try to assist the coach I have received plaques from the city recognizing me as a parent that assists and shows up at every game.


I will let you all know how they do at next weeks game the final one biggrin2.gif


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hey steve,

one of the MOST important things i remember as a child is when my parents took part in my school activities or took the time to show up to watch me perform whatever it was i was doing ( and it was always something) the saddest thing was seeing the reactions other children whose parents never came.


i think that it makes children more confidant and excel when the parents care!! what a good dad you are!!!!!





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