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2 year mark



well, it's been 2 years & I hat the ocean of tears & not being able to comprehend things I wonder will I ever stop crying or be able to understand & grasp consepts again


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Azella, welcome :welcome: to the blog community. It is good to write something of your journey down so others can get to know you better.


I guess for some people an ocean of tears is what they outpour after a stroke. But two years after? Perhaps your doctor could try some medications/anti depressants to see if you could stop that.


As for comprehension maybe some of the stroke survivors who have been through the same thing can give you some support and some ideas on the therapies they have found successful.


I am Sue, caregiver to my husband Ray who has had five strokes. He has been medically retired from 1999 and me to care for him and we do the best we can with the limitations he has. I am host for Caregiver chat on Tuesday nights perhaps you can join us or one of the survivor chats and get to know a few more people that way. :chat:


It will be good to get to know you through your blog. :welcome:



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Hi Azella


You made it to the blog world! That's a great accomplishment in itself. I hope you start writing about your ups and downs once in a while now. It's really good therapy and you'll get a lot of understanding ears, some some good advice too.



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Hi Azella:


welcome to our blog world,lot of people fmble in publishing their first blog and you did that just right, so start jounaling your thoughts, for me writing it down and getting support from other members were my lifeline in my first year post stroke.

Things are never easy after stroke, but you have to make best out of what you got, rather than crying about past and ruining your present. antidepression medicines cn help great deal too.


Asha (36 yo survivor)





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Welcome azella,


I'm just a year ahead of you as a survivor(3 yrs on the 15th)and life goes on, sometimes hard, sometimes a little easier, but I'm alive and got medications to help.


The crying is a "natural" part of healing along with acceptance, then we can move on to recovery. I wish you much success and express your thoughts more often by communicating with us here and on the message board. It gives you something and someone to share your thoughts with and among on many topics. And happy new year too!

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Hi Azella and welcome. I am 3 1/2 + post stroke now.


I started with some computer games. At first I could barely get through one game.. I used the easy or beginner settings. It is difficult at first but I found with anything after stroke repitition helps.


Hope to see you in chat sometime also. Bonnie

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