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We all live in a yellow submarine....



Greetings to all


Why the strange Blog Entry Title? Well It is just that that song has been playing over and over in my head for the past hour or so. The more I thought about it the more that it seemed to serve as a metaphor of our lives as stroke survivors.


I think the words go something like this. We all live in a yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine.


In the town where I was born, there lived a man who's name was Green, and he lived beneath the waves, in a yellow submarine.


Well don't we all live in our own submarine of disability beneath the waves of the sea of mankind where most everyone seems to live a "normal" life.


Sometimes our little submarine goes up and sometimes it goes down. We can just never seem to quite manage to break the surface so that we could throw open the hatch and breath deeply the fresh air of total recovery.


Thank you Steve and crew for this fine communications net. (Strokenet) It has been and continues to be the tool of choice for us sub bound survivors to communicate with and encourage each other.


Great Newsletter again this month Lyn. (thanks for all of your hard work to put it together every month)


I know that Steve has struggled within his submarine this past year. We are very happy that it is still put putin along and my what a lot of work has been accomplished over the year.


Something that has occured to me recently is storage of digital personal health records on the net and can it be done securely. With an online storage system and a hard copy on a tag on the person (possibly engraved) url (web address and password), critical data could be accessed fron anywhere. It would also serve as a backup to paper, film or magnetic media based records such as the ones destroyed during Katrina.


I guess what I am thinking is would Strokenet consider such a service for members if it proved to be of value and doable?


That is a retorical question and there is no need for an answer just food for thought.


I would like to pass on to Gunther aka G "Smurf" in Winterpeg my warmest wishes for a speedy recovery and continued good health. My best to you buddy! You will have to get Heather to get out her monkey wrench and tweek that submarine of yours a little. LOL


So that's my rant for now. (hope that will do Asha)I am going to dock my sub on the bottom for the night and hopefully it will be ready to sail (put put) a little farther tomorrow.


My very best to ALL of my stroke buddies here at Strokenet.


If you can't surface (fully recover) at least up periscope (keep a positive attitude) so that we can at least see what is going on in the real world.


Smiles :)




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That will more than do, your metaphor of submarine suits us so well to us stroke survivors , but I do question that sea of waves where you say normal people goes about doing their buiness who defines what is normal, those normal people too have ton of problms its just that mine is visible at the time.


great blog entry, keep on coming we don't want it to be pruned out due to lack of participation :D






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Hi Asha


Thanks for the great reply. I think the "normal" that I refer to is what is preceived to be normal (not restricted by a physical or mental handicap) They say that preception is reality but I agree with you that even so called "normal" people have lots of challanges (just not as visible)


I will try to post more often in future and remember I am never too far away. I am connected with MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and Gizmo all with the username garydotgray.


Also I still blog at Harmony Lane Blog


Global Stroke Awareness Blog


Hidden Island Paradise Blog


Blackberry Kewl Blog


Smiles :)



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YEAH Gary so Happy to see you back. Even though i catch you on line, you have truly been missed here.


Am hoping my sub gets a little closer to the surface in 2007.


I think med alert has some type of medical record online. that are acessable to medical personnel.


See you soon



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Hi Bonie


Thanks for your comment. Yeah I think we talked about that awhile back when we were discussing a way to carry medical information with you. I believe you are right about Medic Aleart. (I will have to do more research)


I am beginning to think that there is much that could be done in the area of Personal Health Records (PHR) to improve the security and accessability both to individules and to health professionals. (given today's technology)


Thanks for the kind words about being missed at Strokenet. But like I said to Asha I am never far away and love to talk to all my friends from Strokenet.


Speaking of friends I talked to Frank last night and he is just getting over the flu. He says he is spending more time in his shop and not as much on the computer.


You know I don't think it is a negative thing to move on to other things. I think it means that we are healing.


Strokenet is wonderful and the people here are wonderful as well. It's like leaving the hospital at that stage of our recovery. We leave because we are able to move to the next stage of recovery but we never forget that part of our lives.


Thanks fo being a good friend and buzz me anytime you like.


Smiles :)



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