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It was a good week!



Sharon called last week and informed us that Brandon's birth parents had signed the papers to relinquish rights, so she and Marvin will be adopting Brandon shortly. He has been in their home for four years and they are really the only "parents" he has known. Everyone is very happy. Sharon says a lot of stress has gone out of her life. She never had children of her own, so this is a special event.


On Saturday, our granddaughter, Ashley, called from Lincoln, NE, where she was participating in an indoor track meet at the Devaney Center. She is a sophomore at a community college in Kansas. Her time in the 600 yard run was good enough to qualify for Nationals, which will be held this Spring somewhere in Texas. Sure wish I could watch her run.


As for me, I went back to Rehab to work on walking with my walker. I walk short distances here at home and would like to be able to use the walker more.


All in all, it was a good week!



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That's great news about the adoption. I can't imagine living four years without knowing if you were going to have to return a child or not.



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