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small improvements



There is a light at the end of the tunnel, at the moment it is just a tiny pinprick of light but it is there. Ray is "walking" with the help of two nurses, a gait belt and what is called a "full arm high walker". He walked to the shower and back yesterday ( about a dozen steps each way) and today walked out to the nurses desk and back ( about twenty steps each way). His pain level the nurses now describe as "manageable with mild pain killers" so no more morphine.Yeah!!


I have had some easier days too. I went out to dinner with friends on Thursday night. On Friday as well as visiting Ray I got some housework done before the visit and some shopping on the way home. Yesterday (Saturday) I had some time at home, went to see my mother and on my return did some gardening until I got too hot. Then I watched the "Da Vinci Code" which my son got for me on DVD and then we had a chinese meal. At last, some "ME" time!


Today I went to church and had some time to talk to some of the craft group ladies, they were discussing a luncheon to be held in February with a Valentine's Day theme, must have been on last year too. I missed it last year as it was late March that our old church closed and we joined this one. At last I feel only a little regret about the closing of my old church last year. It is no longer as painful a memory as it was, that real heartache is over. I am starting to feel "at home" at our present church now. Time is a marvellous healer.


This afternoon, after my visit to Ray I went to our older son's place and had afternoon tea, some playtime with the two grandchildren and then stayed for a BBQ dinner. It was absolutely lovely on their back deck and it was a lovely relaxing time. I know they are busy so it was nice they made some time especially for me. Ray had a cousin and her husband visit this afternoon too, they have his father in a nursing home now, at the age of 89 he has "gone in the legs" so under protest he went where he could get the help he needed. So they understand hospital visiting etc and seems quite happy to visit and talk for a while.


It has been a long two weeks, the first two weeks of Ray's hospital stay, the last two weeks of January. I don't know how many more weeks Ray will be in hospital. I am guessing that if the physiotherapist works closely with him this week he may be home by next weekend. I feel like crossing all my fingers and toes but then I would be the one to fall flat on my face...lol.


I feel as if the world is slowly righting itself again. It is always like this with every new crisis. I had a phone call from an old friend who's husband sometimes plays the organ at one of the larger Catholic Cathedrals on the outskirts of Sydney. She assured me that Ray would be prayed for during their Mass this morning. I know he is being prayed for in our church, my daughter and son-in-laws Salvation Army Corps in North Queensland are also praying for him and I know people on this site are too. I am sure he will be uplifted by all of this. And want to assure others that this is all a part of his healing and this sharing in the journey certainly helps my peace of mind too.


Now all they have to do at the hospital is get Ray fully mobile so he can come home again.



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Dear Sue,


I'm so glad to hear of Ray's improvements. I'm also glad to hear you are having a little bit of Sue time. It will help you rest and get prepared for Ray's homecoming.


Even though I know how anxious you are to have Ray home, please don't argue if they recommend a few weeks of rehab for him before he does return home. Remember you are several years more mature (ahemm!) than you were when he first had his stroke, and I know for me the constant hovering isn't any easier as time goes on. I've decided I'd rather have Bill strong enough to be home safely, than to have him come home and suffer yet another incident because I can't take care of him adequately.


You know you are both in my prayers.




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You had me smiling the whole way through your blog. I am so glad the tides are starting to change, and before you know it your world will be righted once again.


Did you save me any BBQ? You know it's my greatest weakness, that and pork tenderloin sandwiches!


Talk to ya soon,


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Happy Australia day. A coollegue was trying to get us all to go down to the beach for a "barbie"....he said that is what he would do if he was at home in Brisbane. We pointed out that it was raining and only 6 oC, in Brisbane it would have been 26 oC and sunny!


I am glad Ray is doing better. Dont rush to get him home even tho you want him home. Make sure you can both cope properly.


All the best





PS Dont mention the cricket :(

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Great to hear of the improvements !!!! and truly happy you did get some 'me" time.


John was in the hospital (before my stroke) from a "BAD" car accident... they still had him hooked up to morphine and it took 4 of them to get him upright (5 broken ribs and a broken foot), they said oh, he can probably go home today.... I looked at them and said WHAT? You don't have his pain under control ... only by IV and it takes 4 of you to move him....What the he!! do you think I am going to do.???? He ended up there another 2 or 3 days .... had him on oral pain meds and better able to help with movement.. I went out and bought him a cane to walk with.... ( he is 6 ft and 230lbs.. I am 5 ft and at that time around 130 ???? Make sure you can help and he is able to do a bit also.. without you ending up with injury..


((((((((((HUgS & prayers )))))))))))0 for you both.

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So glad to hear the Good news about Ray walking and you getting "Sue-time". It's good to see the "baby" steps are increasing with each day. Hopefully his nurses are always cognizant of the "drafts" that can occur when a patient is motoring around. I remember back to when, a few times, I "mooned" everyone. :giggle:

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Great news Sue, like one great man said "one small step etc" Ray will get to the point when he can come home, its also great to see that you have been able to have some Sue time.


cheers Ken

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