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Thought for a Day



While attending church services this morning, the pastor said, "Their are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority and control, your MIND and your MOUTH." I suppose that goes along with freedom of speech and what you believe in and how you desire to serve and whom.


I guess that's where the saying came from...Ingage your mind before putting your tongue into gear. I see where so many politicians say the wrong thing that comes back to haunt them. So, I try to be very careful along those lines when speaking in public.


This is black history month, what ever that means, just kidding, most of you know that I am, not that it matters and you wouldn't even think by looking at my avatar, (smile) :wink: So, thought I'd blog about black history month, since I may be the only black active member these days. Hope I didn't offend anyone!


I'm asked every day at work, "Did anybody ever tell you, you look just like Bill Cosby?" Wish I had his money and my fame! Any body remember him in "I Spy?"


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Boy, you'd never know it that some people have control of their mouths. If some of the stuff they say was intentional, then I'd hate to see inside their thoughts.


Black History Month is a good idea for the same reasons Women's History Month is important. Both the accomplishments of women and blacks were left out of the early history books by white male publishers to the point that people assume we didn't contribute anything to the building of the nation. It ticks me off to hear people complain about these 'months.' History has been bias for several centuries. What's a couple of decades of black or women's history months compare to that?



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