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People I Can't Live Without



Sometimes I forget how lucky I really am. I have some of the best friends in the world, and sometimes I realize how empty my life would be without them. One in particular has been on my mind lately. She woke up one morning and thought that she was having a stroke because her speech was slurred and one side of her face was drooping. She raced to the doctor to find that she had Bell's Palsey. It happened during a very stressful time because she was in the process of taking a play she had written to NYC. Not only did she write it, but she was one of the stars. She didn't think she was going to be able to do it. With some encouragement from her husband and the rest of us who love her, she did a most courageous thing...she kept right on going, and did an amazing job.


She was there for me when I was going through the intial trauma of my stroke and crazy recovery, and I am truly thankful for her.


I think she is amazing, and when I am having one of those days where I am tired beyond reason, I think of my amazing friend, and how I cannot live with out her and her support.



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