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its over



i lost my case. the jury voted for the dr. i do not understand how people could turn away from the facts. my attys talked to a few jurors and they felf the dr did not do anything wrong. to each their own i suppose. there is always 2 sides. i hope they can live with their decisions. i was wronged and have lost all faith in the justice system. most of all, i pray this dr doesnt do the same to someone else. my attys spent so much time and money on this case, i feel terrible for them. i guess i am being punished for something, i dont know. my heart is literally broken after yesterday and now today. i feel badly for my family having to go through this with me. i was so hoping for a favorable outcome to ease my and my familys burden. but i guess god didn't see things my way. good luck to others with lawsuits. it was an experience for sure. thanks to all of you for listening to me. hopefully soon, my pain will lessen.


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I'm so sorry you did not win your case. It is very much a tightrope on winning a medical case as the hospitals, drs. have legal documents to protect them before they perform medical procedures.


Again, I am so sorry. After you grieve a little over this, you'll pick yourself up and get back in the race. We all support you here. Take Care. LK

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hey Kim:


I also grieved for long time for not given TPA but I have made peace with myself, that God knows what was good for me, if drs concern had come true me being hemmorsging & dying then it would have been bigger loss for my family and my son than just loosing hand. I am okay and happy to be alive


I know you will grieve over your loss but then time to pick yourself up and start enjoying life



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Gosh Kimmie, this is really a hard week for you! I will keep you in my thoughts - call me if you want to vent! I won't have any magic answers, but I have good ears for listening. :(

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