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crazy few weeks

Aussie Ken


What a crazy few weeks, first the washing machine decided to give up the ghost and we had to replace it, but at least it didn't owe us anything after 20 years of faultless service, then after the lack of rain for so long the tiled roof started to leak and we had to call in the emergency services to do some urgent repairs foretunately there was no internal damage. We were able to call in a tiler to repoint the roof ridge caps so after the heavy rain during the past few days we no longer leak. :Clap-Hands:


Then last weekend my nephew in-law was in port with the New Zealand navy and he had weekend shore leave so we showd him around the Penrith area and took him out for tea to the Bowling club where my daughter is doing her trainee ship.


My walking is having it's ups and downs, somedays i can walk without any problems then the next i'm all over the place. but i refuse to give in, there must be a reason to all this and why i survived. my new physio has added some new exercises to strenghen my leg muscles and balance.





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Guest lwisman


Wow Ken 20 years. You were lucky. Oh maybe appliances live longer in you part of the world. It used to be here you could buy an appliance and expect it to last 10 - 20 years. Now it is more like 5 - 10. Our three year old dishwasher needs a new latch which will cost $125. A new one is $500.


Congrats on the new machine!

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Not to mention the warranties they want you to buy at time of purchase as if it's not going to last a year. I think they build them not to last long.


Ken, did you get to bowl a couple games? I still go sometimes, they help me with the ball. No where close to where I used to be as a bowler.

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I did bowl before i got married, then i moved house and got busy doing other things. On reflection i should have taken it up again instead of trying to be young again and keeping up with the kids. but it is somethink i can aim fore as i won't be playing soccer again.

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