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Sick of snow



Do you know why it continues to snow here?


It's all because of my freaking neighbors! They refuse to take their Christmas Lights down! They light them up everynight, confusing spring into believing it's still winter!


It's March 18th already! The kids are on Spring Break next week!


I'm sick of snow but, the neighbors are courting winter. I'm thinking about taking the lights down myself - In the middle of the night, I'd creep up and silently put them all away in a box marked Christmas! Not Easter!


It's snowing again this morning - and it's all Sheila and TR's fault because they are too damn lazy to put away the Christmas decorations.




At least I've found someone to blame this lousy weather on ... and I feel better.




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I think you're on to something. Our neighbors still have a Christmas on their deck that they light up every night and it WON'T quit snowing here either! I'm sick of snow!!



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Ok - this is almost crazy - but the "Christmas lights" were on when I came home from work!


So, I'm going to re- decorate my yard this weekend! Pulling out all the stops!


The big red "Santa Stop Here" stop sign that's been in the garage since 1999, goes up. The plastic nativity set that thought I'd never use ( I bought it for a dollar at a garage sale - as a joke) I'm putting flashing lights in that one - a Flashing Baby Jesus. How tacky!


My next door neighbor Sandra thinks this is so funny that she's having John (her husband) put an artificial Christmas tree up in the front yard!



Think they'll get the hint ? It's not about spring anymore! I'm sick of their lights reminding me of winter!


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When you do the Christmas lights, be sure to use enough wattage to start a small brown out in your neighborhood.


That will be icing on the cake if you will. spoton.gif





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in addition to all of the OTHER tacky stuff my next door neighbors do, they still have their lights up too!!!! i hate their guts!!! they also have 5 barking dogs, 2 basketball nets, a "makeshift" skate board thing you jump from on the sidewalk that looks AWFUL, a car parked in their yard, and have a band which practices in their house in the afternoons. they play football with 8 or 10 other kids they invite over and use MY yard as the 50 yard line.




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