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I'm being herded!



Well enough people have mentioned the tendency of Sophie's breeding to have a strong desire to herd things. She has just started to trot along side of me and then cut across my left food to turn me where she wants to go,(outside or the laundry room where her kibbles are kept) except the left is my weak side and I still have left side neglect, so Sophie's efforts trip me. I keep telling her if I fall on her, I'm afraid I'll break every bone in her body.She sits down and looks as if she is giving it careful consideration, wags her tail and does it again.


I haven't figured out if she just appears to be thinking or if she really is thinking. Some mysteries of life will remain just that I guess.



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Sophie will get the hang of learning she must stay out of your way....the question remains though will she? I went through this with Crystal, my cat. The stinker knows to get out of my way and will, when she's good and ready. She's famous for having to stretch just as I'm trying to get around her. Best of luck.

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I don't have pets, but I was thinking maybe you want to move her food tray to the right side of your house such that she does not trip you.



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When I was growing up, my father gave each of us a sheep. We took care of the sheep, moving them from place to place, moving and replacing their saltblock, as needed, etc.


However, the sheep knew from their evolution, that they needed a place to stay for the night and they needed to be herded. They explored the area and decided a garage that was located about 200yeards from our property was the right place to sleep.


Next, they tackled the problem of being herded, being sheep -- baaa...baaa, etc. They looked around and lo and behold, they saw a collie. Well, that was close enough to say a Border Collie, which had herding abilities.


Now, the collie in question came from the pound. My parents got the dog for my brother, as a boy must have a dog. Charlie, the dog, was great. He loved children and he loved the whole family. He was very laid back and let us do just about anything to him.


Towards evening, when my parents had their cocktail hour, the sheep decided this was the opportune time to end their day. There were three sheep and they would surround Charlie, who was generally lying down and sleeping, and nudge him until he got up. Then they would nudge him until they got him to move in the right direction. They would nudge him up the road to the garage, they would enter the garage and settle in for the night, dismissing Charlie.


Charlie never understood what was happening, he'd hang around awhile in case the sheep decided to nudge him some more. When he figured the coast was clear, he would return back to the terrace where my parents were enjoying their cocktails and we kids were hanging around somewhere close by.


I loved reading about Sophie and her herding abilities. Reminded me of our sheep. Take Care. LK

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