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My World



hi my name is kelly.

welcome to my world.my life before my stroke was perfect.i have a wonderful husband and 4 children lacey 21 tyler 20 shannon 17 and sheldon 9.i have had some knee surgerys and all were well.on june 3 2005 i went in for one more and now my last.my surgery was cancelled 3 times prior to the date is was done.all went well the next day i turned 38.when i got home it was hard to walk but i managed.i had alot of help at home,on sunday night i went to bed woke up around 6 am made a coffee and went outside to have a smoke.when i came back in i woke my son for school.i went to the kitchen and was making his lunch and i recall not being able to put my left hand in loaf of bread.i hit the floor BAMM.my son went to get ray (my husband) and ray asked me what happened i said i fell lol.ray finished sheldons lunch and off to school he went.when ray tried to pick me up he couldn't so with the help of shannon (daughter) they told me to reach the sink with my left hand i couldn't (paralyzed) didn't know.ray knew then something was wrong.he said something to me and when i looked at him my face and speech when funny.he called 911 .WOW they are fast lol.when i got to hospital all the test were done and it was confirmed i had a stroke.i received a drug called p.t.a. and it reversed my stoke in minutes thank god.i spent 24 hours in n.i.c.c. were i had to lay in bed and not move, fun 10 days post-op knee surgery.i was put on a stroke floor and for 4 days all i could do is cry and have lots of more tests.my stroke team said the part of my brain that was affect was a part i didn't use ?well when i got home wow i was a mess.i now suffer from anxiety,depression and p.t.s.d..my life was hell.i couldn't be alone,cook supper, or even run a bath for my son.with the help of a physicatrist i'm getting better but still have fears of having another stroke,but ill tell you the people on this site and in chat rooms are great they have made me realize i'm not alone and not the youngest person to have a stroke.so ill say a BIG THANK to all of you and your kind words.


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Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Many of us, including me, find this extremely therapeutic. Who would of thought we'd all meet this way and become a part of each other's lives. Don't give up on recovery - granted, it won't be 100% - but you're here with your hubby and children, far better than the alternative.

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I am so glad you joined our blogworld, you will see the great benefits of blogging, it not only helps yourself also others, I think of blogging is gift you give it to others but in turn it helps you immensely. When I stroked just after my pregnancy at age 34, they would not give me tpa worrying I would bleed to death, tell you I resented that action for years, but now I have made peace with it, it was my destiny, I got lot due to my stroke, I realized greatness of my family, my marriage became very strong, I am glad to be home with my son, and enjoying activities with my family, though I enjoyed my work too, but hey they can replace me, but atleast as mom and wife I am still needed, I lost my left hand due to stroke but guess what I wasn't using much anyways. these days I am happy, content, and doing what I will love to do, I am doing all kind of courses I would love to take before but never had time.

my blogging helped me deal with my depression, anxiety.


BTW I have 10 year old son too.




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Wonderful to see you are up and running in blogworld.


I know the feeling of trying to cope. There always seems to be that time to heal from the fear and loss. I think all survivors go through it, and even then, it comes back to haunt us once in a while.


There are things that I have accomplished post-stroke, that I never would have had the time for, or the inclination to do, if my stroke had not happened. I feel grateful to have had these opportunities. I hope you find new activities and challenges that make your life full. Being here in StrokeNet is a good one.



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Great Blog Kelly!!! Yes I think we all go thru that fear for awhile, but the fear gets less. I am 4 yrs (almost) post stroke and hardly ever think of it anymore.


We go thru the anxiety, frustrations etc.. but think of each step as one closer to acceptance. We have to have time to adjust and to grieve for what we did lose.. and then we can accept the "new" us .


This site has helped us all and LOOK at the wonderful friends we have made.

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best wishes in your recovery, and being 21 years post stroke, I can attest to the fact that we do relax more as time goes by, but we never loose that fear that it could happen again!


June :cheer:

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