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My poor sweet dog...



I have a 3.8 pound, six year old, toy poodle named Gatsby. He is very sweet, and I think of him as my child. I know that it isn't the same as having kids, but he is the closest thing I have to one right now so...


Gatsby has been loosing his hair the past couple of months and the vet cannot figure out what is wrong with the little guy. She suggested last week that it was possible that he was experiencing a hormonal condition due to the fact that he has not been "fixed." There really isn't a good reason for this except for that fact that at one point I was going to breed him. I decided not to, but it seemed like his being fixed wasn't a problem since he wasn't around other dogs. The vet decided to take care of things yesterday. While he was under being "fixed" she also cleaned his teeth a thing that the other vet I had always taken him to had never said or done anything about.


When I went to pick up my sweet little angel, being fixed was the least of his woes; they had pulled 12 of his teeth! He was so pitiful once I got him home. He slept most of the afternoon yesterday and all night. When I woke him up this morning, he was less than enthusiastic about waking up. He got up, went outside, ate some yogurt, and then proceeded to go and hide under the bed in my guest room.


I hated to leave him this morning, but I don't have a choice. I had already taken yesterday off to look after him, so I had to come to work.


Hopefully, he will be be better this afternoon!




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Poor Gatsby...wishes for a speedy recovery. My dog is my child to, so I feel for you having to go to work and leave him home. Hopefully by the time you get home he is his old self.


Kind regards,


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(((hugs))) to little Gatsby. Poor baby. He will be fine but will probably sulk around for a few days to play on your emotions.


I once had a declawed male cat who years after the declawing would sit and hold a paw up in the air like he was in horrible pain....then 2 seconds later would be chasing his brother around the house like a madman. They work us lol, just like kids do. I've never gotten a cat declawed since then either. l


Is he biting his hair? My Mom has a Shitzu, Angel, who has skin allergies and will bite at her hair. Mom has to bathe her once a week with a special shampoo.

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My little old one has lost teeth and stupid me didn't get the Pro Plan for Little dogs and eating it is hard although she gets tuna juice on it (as cats here do) and I drizzle a small amount of water, but if I put some people food on it she gobbles it all down0 Not spoiled at all. LOL, Today meat sauce, yesterday about an inch of hot dog minced up. ) 0f course chicken is the best. Your little one will need to have his food soften or small kibble for small breds. I don't use canned and now with the scar...................Hope he's feling better.



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I have 6 dogs.. I have discoved "Missing Link" it is a dry powder, stored in the fridge after opening it. It comes in a foil pouch. The directions are by weight. I sprinkle it on their food and they LOVE it.


It is vitamins, omega 3 ... all kinds of good stuff. My dogs coats are so shiny. and soft. I have an old one at least 16 she is a Malmute mix.. she has had allergies and skin problems. This helps her... her coat gets shiny and she even moves around better. I used a different brand ... went back to Missing Link and I will not try changing again.. I really think this stuff is GREAT.


any questions please feel free to PM me.

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hi susan, sorry to hear about your dog and what he is going through. my pets are like my kids too, they mean everything to me. 12 teeth is alot to lose for a dog at one time. poor baby. hopefully the work you had done on him will resolve his issues. bacteria from dental problems can cause alot of problems so i have been told, we just had our dogs teeth cleaned too. and he is 12 yrs old. i pray gatsby is feeling better when you get home today. baby him for a few days and let him know everything is ok, plus his hormones have been affected from the nuturing. he just needs sometime to get back to his old self again. i wish you both the best.


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