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It's been a while !!



I feel bad when I looked at my blog entries & realised it has been over 5 weeks since I blogged, we have been flat out, but that is no exscuse as most of you are far busier than us.

I have been catching up on the blogs & everything that everyone has been doing, it has been a great 2 hours & I always feel I am reading about Family.

Baz is watching his football & I can have a few hours to myself to catch up on stuff, his beloved Manly team are winning & I can hear cheers every now & then from the lounge!!

I joined Weight watchers & have lost 5 kilos much to my DRs delight & my diabetic Proffesser as I have also got my cholestrol down to normal & I am working on the blood pressure it is hard setting the alarm each morning & getting up when there is a frost to do the exercise bike :cheer: ,but it is paying off.

Baz has also been watching what he eats & is drinking water again for the first time since the Stroke he only drank it before when he had too.

Thanks Sue for the comment you wrote on my last blog, I do have access to the radio as we do the show & I promote strokes & Baz whenever I get the chance but there is a lot of ignorance about strokes & people are too busy with their lives to find out about them until it happens to someone they know.

OOps the score is even on the TV & I can hear groans emitting from the lounge ...

Baz told me the other day that his mind is getting clearer & he doesn't like what he sees, I told him that all that matters is we love each other & we are both happy..He wants to be able to do more around the house but I told him we are lucky I can do it & we will muddle through.. I will get him to read some more of the remarkable stories here on Strokenet as he feels better when he reads what other people have achieved..


Manly have won , he is happy for another week :big_grin:


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