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OT and Physio when will they boot me




Well OT told me the other day that because I'm doing so well they may have to release me, I hope not ):

I feel that I'm not ready to go yet. I talked to Tara my OT trainer ( not Sue my actual OT person) about this, told her I wasn't ready, and if they decided to boot me could I comeback say once a month for a workout and to access my progress. She told me not to worry (don't exactually know what that meant), after all it's Sue's call.


Shelly my Physio said there's no way she was going to release me, I had a few things she still wanted to work on ( balance is a biggy which she said may never get better). So I guess it does no good to worry, which is easier said then done.


BTW I was told by my doctor and Shelly in physio that I wouldn't be going back to work, I'm wondering if it's because of the balance problem ? Guess I'll ask Shelly Wednesday.



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I hope you are able to remain in OT for as long as you wish. For me, I had no choice. My doc prescribed more, therapist agreed, but insurance refused even after appeals. Best of luck.

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Guest lwisman




It is not uncommon for insurance to stop paying when you as the survivor intuitively know you have a lot more healing to do.


Look around the board for stories of what others have done after their insurance says "No More." One example is water aerobics. Most Ys and park districts have inexpensive classes aimed at those with arthritis. The exercises also really help stroke recovery.


In short, never stop looking for ways to improve.

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