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Well ~ Hopefully I Won't Do That again



:rolleyes: I took my lap top to John's shop to do some updates and "downloads" he has DSL there and we only have dial up at home (there are a few disadvantages in living in a RURAL area) John's tech came in when I was going to set it up.. and he did "something" to some settings. Then I decided when I got home that I would do some "clean-up" Well I cleaned a little too much ....


It has taken me 2 days of "fiddling" .. I would get it ALMOST there.. and then an error code. I was checking the site and e mails from my PC in another room. I didn't realize how dependant I have become on the lap top. I can sit in the family room, with John, the dogs and the TV and a MUCH more comfortable char. I have one of those lap top desks.. has a pillow on the bottom filled with styrofoam beads, and a plastic desk top.


Well I finally got the lap top up and running correctly.. and before I log enough tonight I will set a System Restore Point for today..:)



I washed my car today. I washed the windows inside John's service van.. He cooked dinner and did dishes if I would do his van windows..LOL


I went out to do the outside of the van widows while he was doing dishes.. and just as I finished it started raining. Oh well the road grime is off anyway.


And I am a Happy Camper as my lap top is tuned up and WORKING..:)


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Bonnie, I would love a laptop, particularly in winter when it is so COLD out the back here where my computer lives! I could just see me sitting toasty and warm.... a blanket over my knees, my warm slippers on...a steaming cup of coffee by my elbow...lovely.


Glad to hear you got your laptop back to normal again. I just hate it when someone interferes with my settings and I can't navigate to where I want to go! I am a creature of habit and my favourites list has the sites I mostly go to and that is my nightly checklist.


I'd like to swap washing windows for cooking dinner and washing up occassionally too.



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Glad to hear your lap top woes are resolved - I wouldn't let that Tech anywhere near your stuff - Growl at him grrrr as a warning lol. Kiddo is pretty much "broken in" by now to not change any settings unless she consults with me or changes users as we share the 'puter. Now I just have to "train" her on the computer chair adjustments. This morning it was changed - lol.


Shame it had to rain on your clean vehicle windows - that has occurred with me many times over the years - like you said at least you were able to eliminate the road crime.

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Well I guess I was HAPPY to quickly. My lap top is mis-behaving again. I amy go and "uninstall my internet program and reinstall it.


Yes, Donna I think Next time I will hide lap top until tech leaves for a service call, or I may bite.. rather than GROWL..lol


I am glad I have the PC for a back up... to get to my e mail and here. I more option I have is transferring files from here to my lap top... that is coming soon. if this other step doesn't resovle the problem. I am NO Computer whiz.

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bonnie, believe me i do understand how you feel about your puter. i am the same way,puters gotta love them huh. but boy we get cranky when the don't work right. i made sure i got a service contract when i bought my laptop for moments like those, for i am no puter whiz either. i hope you get yours back up and running like you want real soon. my motto is if it ain't broke, don't fix it. don't get so angry that it ends up across the room,perhaps brice could help you out. good luck.

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I will take it to the shop this week, I also have a service contract.. and contact Tech support, it is a pain here with dial up .. as then I have to use my cell to talk to the Tech... and reception is not that great inside.. sometimes not great outside. Then trying to hold a cell phone and make changes at the same time... ahh I guess I could plug in my ear phone. or use speaker.


I think in town will be easier.. I just have to remember to takee what I may need with me.



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