back to the usual mishaps - bah!
Funny how soon that holiday feeling fades away and the normal vultures start to circle overhead again. Today was one of those days where you just shrug your shoulders and know that whatever life throws at you means you just need to pick yourself up as best you can and get on with it.
Today I almost got to the kidney specialist's appointment when the car started to act crazy. We went jumping up a hill just like a kangaroo...jump...jump..jump... Luckily I was within half a mile of the workshop I take the car to for servicing so managed to crawl there. The receptionist said no way was the car able to be looked at today but maybe tomorrow or Thursday? Having no choice I agreed.
I wheeled Ray three city blocks to the kidney specialist. There was a crowd of people in there, the doc is going away for a two week "lecture tour" of Europe and The Americas so he told us though the receptionist said to her friend that he was going to Barbados. Ah! what a life eh? So we had that "instant medicine" approach. Got the xrays? Got the blood tests? he suggested a Urologist was a better choice for Ray, recommended one, dictated a letter to him and his report over the dictaphone and we were out of there in ten minutes. Phew!!
I'd phoned Trev to pick us up but he got caught in traffic (multiple areas of road works on our main route) so he was half an hour late. That left us no time for lunch so I packed a hasty couple of sandwiches and Trev picked up two more ladies and we were off to Craft group. Of course I didn't have the right gear so fiddled for two hours with some bits and pieces and caught up with the gossip.
Trev took me to see a doctor in one of those multi-doctor practices ( our doctor's surgery is closed with a note on the door saying "due to unforseen cicumstances etc." so don't know what is happening there!) and I finally got meds for the bronchitis so I should be feeling better in a couple of days. As a carer I always put Ray first, the family second, me third. Always have, part of my nature as a nurturer. But it does mean I often neglect my own health for too long.
Completed the day with a quick trot around the shops, so we have fruit, bread, milk, all the essentials and now I can stay home for a couple of days, catch up with some housework and hope the car repairs come in within the budget! And hopefully all is well that ends well.
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