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Daylight raving



"Daylight saving time: Why are they saving it and where do they keep it?"


We went onto daylight saving last Sunday here in New South Wales, east coast of Australia. Luckily Bonnie blogged about daylight saving so I learned that in the US it doesn't change until 4th November so I got to chat on time. Actually I got there early and managed to have a fairly serious chat before the main crowd came in which was good too.


I am really enjoying the diverse cross section of people who come into chat. Some days we have serious moments as a newbie comes in and asks questions and sometimes we joke around and party on in our virtual world. It is good there are regular chatters who like each other, have pet names and enjoy each others company. It is also good that all that can be put aside if someone really needs a question answered or just some support to help them through a rough patch. It is good when we are sensitive to the needs of others.


I also chat on an Australian board called Dementianet. There are only a few people using that board which is a pity but a few of us manage to catch up with each other from time to time usually after 9.30pm as by then we all have our charges bedded down for the night. Looking after someone with dementia can be a lonely experience sometimes as just the thought that someone is mentally affected even by stroke, and somehow unbalanced, is too much for some "friends". Then add physical defects such as Ray has and the so-called friends turn and run. What wimps!


Of course daylight saving is tiring the first week or two. I get up pretty early but Ray is still struggling to get up. He has a shower nurse early on Tuesday and this week Jeff had to wait while Ray finished his breakfast to shower him. Today (Wednesday) and Saturday are our late mornings when I can sleep in till 8am , if I am lucky. The other mornings are earlier. Of course with the longer evenings we also have our evening meal later so the nights themselves seem shorter. You all know what I am saying here - WHERE DOES TIME GO?


Tomorrow we have some business to do, the shopping, pay some bills etc. Also Ray needs a haircut. Friday Ray has the morning minder but Scallywags are having a lunch out at a difficult venue so Ray is not going. We will have lunch out by ourselves and do something in the afternoon - maybe go to the beach if it is fine. He can sit on the sand and wriggle his toes. Can't put him in the water by myself, he is too unstable walking on sand, so sitting down is the best we can do. Maybe in the heat of the summer we will go and get the chair that goes in the water and the boys can take him into the water between them.


I like daylight saving. I was born in England and liked the long twilight in summer as that is when as a family we had picnics by the river or went for a long walk, usually with my little sister in a stroller. Occassionally we were taken out on our parents bikes. I had a "saddle" on the bar of my Dad's bike, he had been a long distance cyclist and was a powerful pedaller so I watched the countryside flash by. Ah, even now I can imagine that feeling of speed as my father pedalled furiously "racing" Mum who had my sister in a seat on the back of her bike. Mind you he always waited for her to catch up.


We have also sat out on the verandah together after our evening meal and just enjoyed watching night fall. It is peaceful listening to the crickets, watching the few black shadowy bats fly past. I like to listen as the day birds utter their last feeble cries and are replaced by the cries of the first of the night birds. And then the mosquitoes start to attack and we come back inside. It make a change from watching t.v.


I am making plans for next week when Ray is in respite and I hope to tackle the spring cleaning in earnest. If I get Trev to move the furniture away from the walls in one room each day then I might wash down the walls, clean the windows, change the curtains etc. I might - no money back guarantees...lol. And those extra daylight hours will come in handy.


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I got pooped out just by reading your "To Do List" lol. You definitely make the most out of your daylight savings time. I'm glad to hear you guys are able to take the time and relax on your veranda. There will be many of us, including me lol, who will be quite envious of you over the next several months as we cruise into winter.

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Guest lwisman




I am always impressed by your organization. You put some of the rest of us to shame. :D Appreciated your reflections on the current state of chats. I find I learn a lot about the membership by going to chat.


Daylight Savings Time. I also appreciate the longer days in the summer. I will appreciate next week that the sum will come up at 6:15 rather than 7:15. I take a walk first thing in the morning, and find it difficult to get out of bed before the sun comes up. I like to be out the door by 7. It messes up my day if I am too late.


I laugh whenever I think about the reason that DST was started. As I understand it, it was to help farmers get out to do their work early morning in winters and make it easier to stay in the fields longer in the summer. Of course, fewer and fewer people live on farms any more. Now, it makes it difficult in Oct and April for the many people who live on different continents and have to communicate real time. Everyone goes on and off DST on a different week. Oh well.


One interesting story is that until 1914 there was not GMT. That meant that every locality set it own time. So there was a 15 minute difference between Brussels and Paris, for example. This was not a problem in the 1800s when transportation was slow and before the telephone was invented. I am sure that a lot of people were really glad when GMT was invented. Now, maybe someone will invent a new way to deal with time now that we are in the 21st century!

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when Ray is in respite why you are not taking easy, those summer cleaning can wait. I think you need to come and live with us and get used to it's okay if wals r not washed or family room is not tiday, it's still ok




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When Ray is in respite take a little time for something you like, or a little outing a movie and dinner or lunch with a friend. You know they say all work and no play....I have chores ...Piled up..lol. I have good intentions, and still have to learn to try not to tackle (or think I am going to tackle) more than a couple things in one day. I have come to the conclusion a little dust is good for writing notes in... No matter how many times I clean off our end tables .. something new just hops on.. magazine, notepads, etc.now when we turn the clocks back the nights will start at 4 pm.. I love the long daylight of summer. When we lived in Ohio, they were changing daylight so the kids would not have to go to school in the dark, and most home before darkness set in.

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I must admit I am tired, not physically so much as tired of doing all the organisation. I seem to have been constantly on the go since we came back from Cairns. I have been out shopping for some more underclothing for Mum. I need to do some organising for her as well as Ray.


Looking at the two weeks ahead I am still hoping to find a couple of half days to myself. This time last year I was able to visit with my daughter and her family as they were still in Sydney then. I really do miss that mother and daughter time.


I keep promising myself I will take some "me" time. Will someone tell me how to do that?



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Such a busy bee you are Sue....When Ray is in respite and before you start all that cleaning...sleep in until noon or after, eat and then eat some more, go back to sleep, eat dinner, watch a little tv or read a book and then bedtime..lol! Hey, how about treating yourself to a day at the Spa? Get a massage, relax in the spa, etc. Then tackle the cleaning the next day. I have to remember to change my cocks too, good thing I read your blog to remind me. I heard the same thing as Lin, that Daylight Savings Time was invented for the farmers. Can you imagine how it is in Alaska during that period where it is daytime but it is dark outside? I spoke to someone who lived in Alaska and they said it is weird but you get use to it. I hope you accomplish all you want to do. Yes, I enjoy chat very much and everyone's company. Wishing you well Sue.

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Hi sue,


I just hate it when the time changes in the fall.


Glad you are holding in there. Sometimes keeping busy keeps you from thinking too much and scaring yourself about the future.



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