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Painting and thinking



Well, today I'm going to finish painting the kitchen- getting the house ready for Jerry's birthday.


One of my girlfriends asked why Jerry wasn't painting or wallpapering. We've been there - it wasn't pretty. There are certain things my husband isn't allowed to do. Hanging wallpaper and programing the vcr come to mind.


I'm sorry but, he can't do either of those things right and the results are disasterous when he tries. Trust me over the years I've saved alot of money on wallpaper by doing it myself.


I'm kind of nervous about finishing the kitchen. Painted in blues that I'm covering in white, burgundy, and green. But, I have a plan. I've bought a bunch of 1/2" thick paintbrushes. It will take me a heck of a lot longer to finish but, the size of the paintbrush should compensate a bit for my shaky painting.


I hope.....I'll let you all know how it goes bouncesmile.gif



What was I thinking when I painted the kitchen blue? Three hours later and I know I'm looking at at least two more coats of paint. My hands are as cold as ice - and this is more repetition in movement than I've had in a long time. Ryan's up now - I'll make him take off the cabinet doors! What have I gotten myself into? Once you start painting you can't just stop - Thank Heaven it's a small kitchen! wacko.gif



I hate painting. Did you realize you can't paint over bare wood because it sucks up paint like a sponge. I tried to paint the kitchen door white. It's on the third coat and it isn't helping! The cabinets look great - could people just look at the cabinets?

I hate painting head_hurts.gif




I HATE painting! I am a wimp and I'm tired and I hate my kitchen. Maybe I should hire someone to finish the painting. Everything on my whole body hurts, even my hair. I need a hot bath and a cold glass of wine. It's 2:30 but, it feels like 8:00 pm.

I have to remember this isn't "Trading Spaces", I don't have any help and Ty won't be running to my rescue. So the rest of the kitchen will wait until tomorrow. At least the blue is all gone, except for a few cabinet doors. I'm going to Home Depot tomorrow first - maybe they make a thicker paint that I don't know about. I hope so. I HATE painting - I HATE my in laws - I HATE this whole party thing .... In fact the only one I like right now is my cat, and she got paw prints all over my freshly painted windowsill angry.gif More updates tomorrow.



We're heading to Home Depot with a list and an empty van. I am determined to finish the kitchen - paint the window sill in the office - pick out a new toilet - get some new cafe curtains for the kitchen etc.

Yes - I have energy again and I think my right hand can hold the paint today. Did I mention I'm also buying new floor tiles and tearing up the paint splattered linoleum. biggrin.gif



Back from Home Depot, Menards, and WalMart ... Why is it a woman can go to a hardware store, get what she needs and get out. And a man will go to a hardware store, suddenly realize he needs everything, and end up looking for something he never knew he wanted in the first place. At least we got more paint. bop.gif



The window in the office is almost finished - I ran out of paint and have to wait until there's a commercial on the NASCAR races for Jerry to get me more. I'm not going to try to carry a 32 oz. cup full of paint up the basement stairs. That's what I'm using - a big old stadium beer cup - to hold the paint. Paint cup in the right hand, paint brush in the left. I'm really not doing too bad a job here folks. I taped all the walls where I didn't want paint and I bought a hundred razor blades for the paint I'll get on the windows. I may have found my next career. I'm sure there's a very creative name for a stroke survivor with a potential painting business - lol biggrin2.gif



Last night I finished painting the kitchen window and even hung my new curtains. Tonight I'm officially taking the night off - see you all in chat.




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