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A Real Physical Struggle to Make It 4 Years



Without any doctors knowledge of what is happening to my left side physically I am in a struggle to make 4 years survivor on 15 Jan 2008. The doctors can not explain what is taking place to cause the problem I have. Their one answer is its not more brain cells dying.


Well then with therapy why am I becoming so stiff and unable to move my left side? Each doctor, my PCP, my Arthritis doctor, my Neurologist, and all the VA doctors. They each have a list of my medications, my therapy schedules and the medical history of my stroke.


I consider myself a very strong willed person with lots of stroke knowledge since joining this site but I have no reason why I feel like my left side is freezing up. I can still get around, drive and do for myself but it's getting very hard to do.


You guys will probably see me on here less and less as my physical condition worsens. I hope I get some concrete answers soon. Oh this is not a pity party just a rant of not knowing what's happening. And to see if by chance, anyone else is having the same or similar problems?


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Guest lwisman


I am very sorry to hear of your problems Fred. I hope the doctors are able to find answers for you. It can be very frustrating.


Know that many on the board are thinking of you and hoping for the best.

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Fred, having a stroke doesn't prevent you from having other diseases and maladies. Maybe the doctors need to ask: "If this patient had not had a stroke what would I think was happening here?"


As you know Ray has had a number of things happen this year, some stroke related, some not. But it is eight and a half years now for him since the major strokes so we have to be grateful for that.


As Lin says, you are in our thoughts and prayers.


You have been a major force for good here on this site so keep in mind all you have done and been for people. There are a lot of people who love you here.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I second Sue's thoughts, and let's hope and pray you get answers to your physical conditions. you will be in my prayers.




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You're in my thoughts and prayers dear, as always, that the docs find out what's going on with you. On the plus side, if they are saying the problems are NOT stroke related that's a good thing. Hang in there and remember we all deeply care about you and love you.



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Your situation sounds similar to what Gary was experiencing a couple months ago. His affected side was getting so stiffened up that I couldn't lift his left leg over the lip of the shower when trying to walk him two steps from the toilet to the shower. He also couldn't raise it up onto the footrest of his scooter without my help. I took him back to the neurologist and asked her to put him back on the muscle relaxers to see if that would help. We were at a point where I wasn't sure my back was going to hold out much longer with doing all the lifting, but the muscle relaxers did help. He's on a low dose of muscle relaxer that we get at Walmart for $4/month.


I will keep you in my prayers and hope the Drs. will figure out something soon.





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fred, i am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and aren't getting any answers from the doctors. it is hard i would imagine not knowing what is going on. remember they practice medicine so they dont always have the answers. i hope they are able to figure it out soon for your piece of mine. do take care and know you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

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i hope you get some answers soon. sue is right - it may not be stroke related. a small thought - think back on how and when this started and write down everything you can think of and share the info with your docs - maybe some small detail will help. thinking of you - kathy

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hi again fred,

i just had another thought - i wonder if an alternative therapy such as acupuncture might help. i know it helped me pre-stroke with some health issues. i also know people here on the site have mentioned it helping them. my other thought was a really well trained and experienced massage therapist. you have been on my mind and i just wanted to pass on these other thoughts. please keep us posted on what is happening. i am sending you an enormous hug! kathy

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